Thursday, December 31, 2015

2nd Full Day at Camp LeJeune

   We woke up to overcast skies and a balmy 70 degrees.  It was so humid!!  We ate breakfast and then headed to the commissary on base to get our groceries.  It was packed.  We waited in line for about 20 minutes to check out.  But the prices are worth the wait!!  We came back to Harvey to put everything away and then John left to go pick up the items we had in storage...extra out door chairs, ladder golf, the cornhole game we bought in St Simon, the bicycles and bike rack.  My plan was to work on the blog while he was gone, but I wasn't able to get into it.  John will need to help me when he gets back.  So I think you can guess what I did instead.  You're right...I went to the beach to look for sharks teeth.  I went about 2:30 and John came down to check on me about 3:30.  He went back to Harvey to take a nap.  I left the beach at 5:00 and John met me with the Jeep at the bottom of the dunes.  He had woken up and since I wasn't back yet thought something had happened to me.  Nope, just can't seem to quit.  I think I'm addicted.  I'm actually becoming a shark tooth snob...I don't even pick up all the tiny little ones anymore!
Here's my collection today...about 75
of them and some sea glass, too!
Aren't these serrated ones neat?!?
  We came back to Harvey, cleaned up and then headed out to the sports bar, Heroz, here on base to watch the semi final NCAA football games with Clemson/Oklahoma and Alabama/Michigan St, but it was closed!  (We can't get the games in the CG)  So we went off base to the Carolina Ale House.  It, too, is a sports bar with a gazillion TV's.  Talked to Heather and Cooper and Bonnie on the way.  We were so glad to hear that some tests Ken had came out all right!!  He's still not feeling the best, though, and either is Bonnie.  Hope they start to feel better before they leave for Florida on Sunday!  We spent the whole evening there.  It was fun!  When we got back about 11:00 John went to bed and I worked on my blog till 1:30.  I totally forgot to watch the New Year celebrations on TV!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

We're Back on the Road Again...Yea!!

   It has been a very busy and eventful Fall for us.  Busy with doctor appts, birthday celebrations, church activities, holiday celebrations and spending time with family.  And it was all good!!   Eventful because of craft shows, the birth of twins, a new pregnancy, the leaving of our church, Michele's remodeling, Heather's move to York, TW and Arlena's new home purchase, and our pug, Kylie's passing:(
Ellie and Emma playing hairdresser in
Michele's REAL salon...a little girl's dream!!

Alexandra is helping Bennett, Emma and Ellie
put a gingerbread house together.

Michele, the Thanksgiving hostess, at work
in the kitchen.

Dustin, Ellie and Bennett were the only ones to
 brave the new hot tub.  They had a blast!!

TW and Bennett enjoying my Dad's old pool
table that Michele bought from them before they
sold their house.  The red "felt" has been replaced
with gray and it looks much better!!  When John and I
played it brought back wonderful memories of when
Dad, Bonnie, and I used to play in the basement!

We made brownies at a "sleep-over".  Someone
had to lick the whisk!
Our sweet and precious Kyie Girl
adorning the Christmas tree.
Cooper just loves his Talking Tom! of course, it drives
Heather nuts.  (Ahhh, pay backs :)
Bennett with his triple drum set.  He loves his
drums, just like his Daddy!
John got a toilet golf set from Dustin.
As if he doesn't spend enough time
in the bathroom :)
Ellie looks so pretty in her Christmas dress!
The boys with their "lollipops".
Bonnie, Ken, John and I took a steak dinner
out to Mom and Dad at Masonic Home the day
after Christmas.  Don't they look great!!


   We left Mt Joy at 3:11 am on Wed morning, Dec 30 to head to the Camp Lejeune Air Station to pick up Harvey.  It was very foggy!  We hit the Washington DC area about 5:30 and couldn't believe how much traffic there was at that hour.  It was a good thing that we had decided to leave at 3:00 instead of 4:30!!  We stopped for breakfast at 8:30 at a Denny's diner in Chester, VA just south of Richmond.  We gassed up the Jeep and off we went.
How do you like these gas prices?!?
  Yea, we are already half way there!!  Bonnie called to see how the trip was going.  We made one more quick stop to potty and get coffee for John and we arrived at the Air station at 12:30.  When we drove out the road to the storage area it was closed...not a good sign!!  But we got some directions from a kind marine and found our way in.  It was so good to see Harvey (and we think he was happy to see us, too)!  I was on the phone with Aunt Barbara while John checked to make sure everything was working ok inside and outside Harvey.  No sign of mice, ants, raccoons or bears :)  The engine turned over and all the tires still had air!!  Unfortunately, the steps still don't work.  We left the air station about 1:00.  I followed John to Camp Lejeune.  It poured on the way but stopped just before we got on the base.    We arrived about 1:30 and were all set up by 2:15.  The temp was 77!  By 3:30 we were on the beach looking for sharks teeth. happy place!!

It was overcast and misty, but I persevered!!

I searched for sharks teeth till almost sundown!

Over a hundred shark teeth, some sea glass
and a disintegrated penny!  Not bad
for the first day huh?!?
John headed back to Harvey to finish some more of the set up and I came back about 5:30.  We cleaned up and went to supper.  We wanted pizza from Pizza Hut, but it was closed, so we ended up at Jimmy Johns and had subs.  They were very good!  We stopped at Food Lion on the way back to get a few things for breakfast.  We watched a little TV and went to bed about 10:00.  We were both exhausted!!  It rained most of the evening and overnight.  It always seems to rain when we are here :(