Sunday, October 2, 2016

Catch Up Time For Our Blog!!

  Do you get the feeling that blogging isn't my favorite time filler!?!  I guess I'm just out of practice.  Hey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  We have been very busy since coming back from Corning, NY!  Our granddaughter, Alexandra and her fiancé, Todd got married at Goodfellow AF Base in San Angelo, TX on Sept 2nd. 
   On Tuesday, Sept 6th just before we left for Sea Pines CG in Cape May, NJ we visited with Alexandra to hear about the wedding and see the ring on her finger.  Wow, my granddaughter is now Mrs. Todd Wagner.  Hard to believe!  We left for Sea Pines at 12 noon and arrived at 3:00...a very smooth trip.  We got all set up and John grilled kielbasa for supper.  The kielbasa is from Shenandoah, a town near John's hometown of Ashland in Schuylkill County.  It was sooo good!  I talked with my sister, Bonnie.  She and her husband, Ken are on their way out west for the Albuquerque, NM balloonfest in October.  They plan to visit many National Parks along the way and also get some work done on their RV, Waldo in Denver, Colorado.  Check out their blog-www.Celebrating does a great job and Ken takes amazing pictures!  I watched AGT...what an amazing show this year!  On Wed we went to Fortiscue Beach about 45 minutes north of our CG.  Bonnie told us about this beach that has a lot of sea glass.  So we wanted to check it out.  I, especially, love a great scavenger hunt!  We found about a dozen and a half pieces.  It was fun!  We stopped at Cape May Wicker on the way back to look for a lamp for my newly decorated living room at home.  No luck.  Then we hung out at the CG pool for a bit.  Thursday we went to Sunset Beach in Cape May.  The gift shop there is really nice and I contributed to their profits, again, to help decorate my new room.  We sat on the beach for a bit and then went downtown to check out the shops there.  It was pretty disappointing...too touristy!  We came back to Harvey, showered and then went to Stone Harbor for pizza and the movie, "Scully."  It was riveting...very good!!  On Friday we decided to check out the Wheaton Arts Center in Millville, NJ.  It is a fairly small area off the main drag but has a lot packed into the grounds.  There are working glassblowing, pottery, glass beads and papermaking buildings, a glass museum and several gift shops.  There is a small admission, however, the day we went it was free!  It was so neat to us that there is a complex like this one dedicated to the arts.  Many of the artists there are full time!  We're not sure how it is funded, except they do have an art show the 1st weekend of Oct showcasing nothing but their work.  It apparently draws a huge crowd.  The glassblowers were very busy making pumpkins in all shapes and sizes.  We were there for almost 4 hours and had a great time!
The glassblowers were busy making pumpkins
for their October craft show.
This is a piece of Steigel glass.  Baron Henry
William Steigel lived in my hometown of Manheim
for a short time and was famous for his glass blowing
among other things.  It was neat to see my little home town
mentioned in the glass museum here!!
Hey...Manheim made it on their map!! (center right)
After we left there we went up the road to Fortescue Beach again to look for more sea glass.  We found another dozen and a half pieces.  We went back to Harvey and John grilled for supper.  Saturday we went to a bar in Sea Isle City called Kix McNutleys (yes, really!) to watch the Penn State/Pittsburgh football game since we couldn't get it at the CG.  There was a food truck event going on in the parking lot, so we got food from there and got drinks at the bar.  It was very enjoyable except for the outcome of the game.  Penn State lost a close one. 

Here's the proof of the bar's name!

It was fun but frustrating, too, trying to figure out
what we wanted to eat.  The sandwich we shared
had way too much provolone cheese on it!!
But the cupcake we had for dessert was awesome!! 

On our way back to the CG we stopped at ACME and for ice cream at the Station House (formerly Trolley Stop).  Sunday was my Mom and Dad's  68th wedding anniversary.  I never got around to sending them the card I brought along, so I called Mom, and John and I sang "Happy Anniversary" to her.   It was a cloudy, blustery day unfit for the beach, so I went shopping while John took a walk and then watched football.  I found a few nice things I didn't really need.  Guess I'll have to go home and clean out my closet!  Monday provided great beach weather, so we headed to Wildwood for the day.  It was perfect...about 75 degrees an a slight breeze. 
What a glorious day at Wildwood.  There were almost
as many dogs on the beach as there were people!

What a ham!!
We were prepared to stay all day, but then decided that it might be better to leave for home tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow morning.  So we loaded up and left about 8:00 and got home around 11:30. 

   Wednesday was the Hershey RV Show.  We were there by 9:30 and headed right for the Encore/Thousand Trails booth to make our reservations for our trip to Texas this winter.  Paul and Vicki were already there and so were Nancy and Neil Savage.  We hadn't seen them since Pine Island last past winter, so it was good to see them again.  We were able to book everything we wanted at a good rate...SUCCESS!!   We did some shopping and then ran into Pam and Harry.  We did some more shopping with them including buying "Happy Feet" for my shoes.  We also purchased a suction spot light for the outside of Harvey and had our "puzzle light" remade because of fading.  We were surprised that they offered to replace it for free because they are guaranteed not to fade.
Our poor faded light is all bright again...YEA!!

My "Happy Feet" shoe/sandal inserts make
my feet happy!! 

We love our new power suction spot light!  We just have to
be real careful to remember to remove it from Harvey before
we travel.  I hook a piece of Velcro around the steering wheel to remind us.
  Then we went outside and took a peek at the new Bounders.  They were nice, but we still like our "Harvey" just as much!  We got a text from Terry that he and his fiancé, Lisa had just arrived at the show, so we met up with them at about 3:30 and chatted awhile.  We got a text from Paul saying that some of the gang we went to NY with had come to the show and they were all getting together at Appleby's for supper at 6:00.  It was 4:00 now, so we went home and then went back to Hershey to meet up with everyone.  We had a delightful evening!  The following weekend we kept Cooper because Jack ended up in the emergency room because of respiratory distress from an asthma attack while at the York Fair.  He stayed overnight, but, luckily, was much improved after a breathing treatment.
I went back over to York to take Heather to pick up her car at the fair (they went right to the ER in an ambulance from the fair) and deliver Cooper and then picked up Bennett to keep him overnight.
   I went to OCMD with my Frogette buddies from Sept 20th to 27th.  John got to spend a quiet week at home without me.  We talked at least twice everyday, though.  The week at the beach was a blast even though we only had 2 good beach days.  That gave us extra time to SHOP!!
And SHOP, we did!!

The few days we had on the beach were wonderful!
Babs (Sue) and Becki (Pat) had both been here
at OCMD the week before with another group of
friends, but, of course, they had more fun with

Crab cakes are always a hit!!

And, of course, a cherry-choco love Blizzard
from Dairy Queen always completes the meal.
(we like to eat as much as we like to shop!!)
   As soon as I got home, I went over to Michele's (my daughter) to get my hair done and then John and I headed to York to meet all the kids and grandkids at DQ for ice cream.  We wanted to see everyone before we leave for our month long trip down south.  We will miss our grandson, Bennett's birthday party while we're gone, so we wanted to give him his present, too.  We all had a great time!!
Jack was feeling much better at DQ!!
   We will be leaving on Thursday, the 29th for our trip to Camp Lejeune, NC, Parris Island, SC, Jekyll Island, GA and Royal Coachman CG near Venice, FL.  You can catch up with us then.

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