Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Shark Tooth Attack at Camp LeJeune

  We left home at 7pm on Wed, Sept 29 to head to Camp Lejeune, NC.  Our plan was to drive to Waynesboro, VA and stay overnight in the parking lot of the Cracker Barrel there.  We arrived at 11:10pm after a very uneventful drive...that's the way we like it!  We set the alarm for 6:00 am went nighty-night.  Well...the alarm didn't go off and we woke at 7:10.  DRAT!!  Oh, well, we had breakfast at the restaurant and were back on the road at 8:20.  It was very foggy for the first 3 miles but then cleared after that.  Arlena called and we chatted for a while.  At 10:30 we stopped at a Pilot at exit 58 off I-95, but it was inaccessible even though the Next Exit book said it was RV friendly.  So we drove on to exit 11B and that Pilot wasn't good either.  It was accessible, but the RV pumps were out of service...UGH.  We went out front to a Shell station and got gas there.  It was a little tricky and we had to wait about 10 minutes for a guy to come back out to his car.  But the gas was only $1.99/gallon, so it was worth the wait.  We hit the NC border at 12 noon.  I talked to Bonnie for about 45 minutes about their travels out west.  They are having a great time visiting Nat'l Parks and climbing mountains.  We finally arrived at Camp Lejeune at 4:00 pm.  It was a long 8 hour drive.  John did a great job!!  We set up, ate supper and crashed. 
Friday morning we were on the beach by 10:00 to look for sharks teeth.  We found some whoppers! 
Look how big the top 3 teeth are compared
to a quarter.  I was so excited when I found them!!
By 2:00 it was lightening and thundering and John had to pull me off the beach...imagine me, not wanting to leave!
"Just a few more minutes, honey, and I'll come to the car"

Storms come up very quickly at Camp Lejeune
and can create a beautiful picture!

  We no more than sat in the Jeep until it started to pour!  Honey...you are a genius!  But by 5:00 we were back on the beach and back on the hunt.  We found quite a few more teeth.
Another good haul, huh!?!
  We came in, showered, and went to a Chinese Buffet for supper and then Kmart.  When we got back we discussed leaving Camp Lejeune early and skipping Parris Island altogether, so we could get to Jekyll Island early and join up with the gang we had gone to Corning, NY with.  That's what we decided to do.  I called Mom and she has a terrible cold and cough.  And...Dad has cellulitis on his leg again. 

It was raining when got up on Saturday, but by 10:30 the rain had stopped and we hit the beach.  John came in at 2:00 to watch some college football but I stayed out until 5:00.  It was a successful tooth day again! 
It's just amazing, isn't it, how many
shark teeth are washed in on the beach
at Camp Lejeune.  I wonder why there??
While we watched football, I put the bedroom picture and 2 pictures from John's bathroom together with special pics from our travels.  It took me most of the evening. 
These 2 are in John's bathroom.
This one is in our bedroom.
There was a real nice sunset happening, so John went out to take some pix.
Sunday morning we went to the PX and commissary, but the commissary didn't open until 12:00.  So we went to the beach until about 4:00 and collected more teeth.  We showered and went back to the commissary.  Then back to Harvey to watch some football. 
On Monday we pulled out at 8:30 am to start our journey to Jekyll Island, GA. It was about a 7 and 1/2 hour drive.  John mentioned to me that he was keeping an eye on hurricane, Matthew, that was threatening the south eastern coastline, including Jekyll Island. 


  1. Wow, so many amazing shark's teeth. Also love the sunset pictures

  2. Wow, so many amazing shark's teeth. Also love the sunset pictures
