Monday, February 6, 2017

Finally in South Texas...Harlingen!!

 On Wednesday we got up, had a quick breakfast (cereal has become our departure day breakfast) and left the Ft Sam Houston base at 9:00.  It was warm, but VERY foggy!  We were travelling on 37S and we couldn't see farther than about 3 car lengths in front of us.  About 30 minutes into the trip the brake lights of the tractor trailer about 6 car lengths in front of us came on.  John did a good job getting Harvey stopped without running into the rig in front of us.  Just as we were getting stopped we heard a crash.  A truck had smashed into the back of the car just behind and to the left of us.  We looked into the rear camera to make sure that the car hadn't hit the Jeep or Harvey.  From what we could see it didn't.  But we really couldn't stop and look either.  We felt very fortunate that the driver didn't lose control and veer into us!!  We figured traffic was slow due to the fog, but then we saw there was an accident on 37N so we figured the back up was due to rubber necking also.  Well, in the next mile we saw at least 5 more accidents on 37N due to a chain reaction to the first crash.  There were about 20 cars and 2 tractor trailers involved.  Some were pretty mangled.  It was a mess!!  Can't imagine how long some of the cars caught up in that mess had to wait until everything was cleared away.  The good news is that according to the news, there were no injuries.  It sure did scare us and we slowed way down.  Our 4 hour drive took us 5 hours (including a stop for gas), but that's ok...we were safe!!
It was very "soupy" out there!
Then it got ugly!!!
  The fog lifted about a half hour later, thank goodness, and the rest of the trip was smooth sailing.  I talked to Bonnie and Arlena on the way.  Everyone is doing well.  We arrived at Sunshine RV about 2:00.  We had a nice level spot with a cement pad, but it was right up against a permanent unit and we felt a bit boxed in...we had no view.  Plus every time we exited Harvey we could look right into the unit.
Our first site.  You can see how we could
look right into the unit next to us when we exited Harvey.
Plus our patio area was all blocked in,
  But we set up anyway and then took a walk around the CG.  It is older with a lot of permanents, some that are pretty rundown.  But they sure do have a lot of activities!  John was going to grill for supper, but sometime during his shower he decided he wanted to take me out.  He picked out an Italian restaurant downtown called Colletti's.  He sure knows how to pick 'em!!  It was probably the best Italian meal we ever had.  I had veal parmesan and he had chicken manicotti.  The sauce was sweet...just how we like it.  We stopped at an HEB grocery store and then went home.  I finished the last blog and John went to bed.

   Thursday morning John cooked breakfast and we talked about moving to another spot.  He had already gone to the office and asked if they would allow us to move.  They said, sure, and gave him a list of all the sites that were available.  Then off we went to scout for "the spot".  We found one we liked across the CG, packed up and moved.  We were set back up about 3:00 and very hot...the temp was 90 degrees! 
Our new much better!
There's no one next to us, so we can park the Jeep there.
So we went to the pool for the rest of the afternoon.
And there is a huge hot tub next to the pool.
  John grilled chicken for supper and while doing the dishes we noticed a lot of ants.  We sprayed, but they kept on coming in at other places.  So we sprayed a bunch of other places. We played a game of 5 Crowns - John won.  By the time that game was over we were so sick of smelling the ant spray we went outside. (we have a non-toxic insecticide left over from when we had Kylie and it smells like liniment!)  We talked with the camper behind us and asked him if had any problem with ants.  He told us to let the office know and they will come spray outside for us.  Wonderful!!  We decided to go play a game of shuffleboard.  There are 12 courts and they are decent, but the one we had to use because of the lighting slightly uneven, so it was a challenge.  I was victorious, but John did attempt a comeback.  We went back to Harvey watched some TV and went to bed.

   Friday morning I slept in until 9:30...I was up late playing slots on my tablet.  Mom called while I was still in bed.  She had a talk with the nurses concerning Dad's care and they got everything worked out.  I think a great burden has been lifted from Mom because she now realizes that what she wants for Dad and what he wants are 2 different things.  So she doesn't have to worry so much about his care anymore.  He is a big boy and can decide for himself.  After finally getting up I made pancakes for breakfast.  We called Arlena to sing, "Happy Birthday".  She told me that TW has lost a total of 77 lbs now and he has started at the gym to try to reshape his body.  She also told me that they are now able to save quite a bit on their health insurance because of all of TW's better numbers.  What a nice perk!!  We made a trip to Walmart to pick up a few things including ID tags for all our key rings.  After losing one of our sets we thought it was a good idea!  We also need new brake pads and cables  for my bike, but they didn't have any.  John took a nap when we got back and I went scouting around the recreation center.  There's a craft show here on the 18th and I needed to find the activity office to sign up.  The library has puzzles set up, so I spent about an hour in there.
Just one more piece!!!
They hang up all the finished puzzles!
We had our leftover sandwiches for  "lupper" and then went down to the rec hall to play pool and 5 Crowns.  I won both.
Someone was creative.  This is on the door to the pool room.

There are 8 tables!
  I beat John on the last hand of 5 Crowns!    Then we went to Dairy Queen for hot fudge sundaes.  John did some reading when we got back, and I watched TV.  Just after we went to bed it started to rain.  And guess what...there's another train!

   Saturday was a wash out.  It rained very hard off and on all day.  My hip was giving me a hard time, so I iced it while John tried to get a walk in between the rain showers.  We ate our leftovers from the Italian restaurant for a late lunch and then I went over to the rec hall to do more puzzles while John walked some more.
Here's where we are...
...way down in South Texas...Harlingen
This the daily activity board!
The Rec Hall
There are 2 indoor pickle ball courts.  They also
use them for ping pong tournaments.  Love how they
put up corrugated cardboard "fences".

  He joined me and we played 2 games of pool.  We each won a game.  John went back to Harvey and I worked on another puzzle.  Then we went to see the movie, "Split".  I talked to Heather and the boys on the way.  They are all feeling better except for Heather having a lingering cough.  The movie was interesting.  We went to bed when we got back.  Finally the rain had stopped.
   We went to the church service in the rec hall on Sunday morning at 10:00.  There were 220 people there.  They even have a choir!  When we got back to Harvey we went thru our closets and drawers to pack up all the warmer clothes we had brought along.  It's supposed to be in the 80's and 90's this week.  Then John did the laundry while I went to the rec center to do the blog. 
There I am hard at work on the blog!
Our data is getting low and the Wi Fi in the rec hall is free!  We talked to Dustin and Cathy and the girls for a while.  There's a Super Bowl party in the rec hall at 5:00 that we are going to attend.  It's a pot luck, so that should be fun and filling!!  WOW!!  That game was unbelievable.  We were rooting for Atlanta, but ya sure have to give those Patriots credit for never giving up!!  When we got back to Harvey I watched "24 Legacy" and John went to bed. 

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