Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Finally a Beautiful Day on Parris Island

   For the first time since John's retirement I had to wake him up at 7:45 am.  I think he's finally getting the hang of it!  We woke up to sunshine and the sound of gunfire!  The 2nd part of the recruit's training is on the shooting range and you can hear it all over the base starting at 7 am every weekday morning.  We had breakfast, got dressed and decided to take a bike ride into "town" to mail a card.  We noticed that there are different sizes of dirt mounds in the grass all over the island and found out that they are ant hills.  Unfortunately the guy we asked didn't know what kind of ants.  We'll have to research that further.

We did find out that these hills house fire ants!
  We also found a car wash on base that has a bay for an RV, so Harvey will finally get a good bath before we leave!   After lunch we headed to Sand Beach just 5 minutes from the base.  We were told that you can find a lot of sharks teeth there, but we only found 1.  It was a tiny beach but very peaceful and clean with the water slowly lapping onto the shore.  And there was a pod of dolphins that swam around the inlet the whole 2 &1/2 hrs we were there.

Dolphins playing off of Sand Beach
  Shortly after we came back to Harvey while we were sitting outside a fellow camper stopped by with her dog to talk.  Amy and her husband, Rich are full timing with a Fleetwood Expedition that they bought at Lazy Days in August.  However, they are just using it until they find a 100 Ft boat to live on full time.  Rich is a retired Air Force pararescue (rescuing people by helicopter), so we're going to try to get together with them in the next few days.  John cooked steaks on the grill for supper.  I watched The Voice and Chicago Fire while John did some reading and then we turned in for the night (actually John was reading in bed and fell asleep long before I came in).

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are having fun! Patty and I are considering doing the same thing we we retire! I think I'm familiar with the campground on Parris Island. If its a small campground right on base....all lined up on the side of the road. I drove past it while visiting my nephew at boot camp graduation.....have fun.....Dave Lloyd
