Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Beautiful 85 degree Day for our Anniversary and Trip to Savannah

   We got up early today.  John went for a walk and I caught up on emails and sorted through old brochures and info from rallies and other camping trips.  I also called my brother-in-law to wish him well on a procedure he was having done later today.  John made banana pancakes on the grill... they were delicious!!  Then we hopped on our bikes to ride around another part of the base.  It was an absolutely perfect morning for a bike ride!  Marshes surround the base and there are many kinds of birds that inhabit them.  As soon as I figure out how to add pictures to the blog I'll post them.  My sister showed me how, but it's just not working.  Wonder if it might be me???

Here's the birds and marshes I promised
  We decided to drive to Savannah, GA for lunch to celebrate our anniversary.  We took the top off the Jeep and started the 90 minute drive.  It was great at first, but farther into the trip it got really hot.  It was 86 degrees by the time we arrived and there wasn't a cloud in the sky so the sun was scorching.  We decided to eat at B & D Burgers because it was the only parking spot we could find.  It was a good choice!  Burgers were fresh, fries were cut there and the onion rings were hand dipped... probably the best we've ever had!  And I ordered a grape Nehi soda, which I've never had.  Then I added some lemons because it reminded me of how when I was young and went to the Manheim Community pool I would order a grape soda and lemonade mixed.  It was good then and it was good today.  Ah... memories!!!  We walked up the street to an ice cream parlor called Leopold's and had small dishes of delicious homemade ice cream.  We left about 3:30 but we'll probably go back to Savannah next week to do some sight seeing and maybe do one of those walking ghost tours which was highly recommended by our waitress.  We were still too full to eat supper, so we played "Nerts."  I managed a come from behind victory!  We'll watch some TV then "hit the tick" to get ready for our next day's adventure.

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