Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Catching up Since Our Return To PA

   A lot has been happening since our return home on Sun., Oct 26!!  We picked up Kylie on Monday.  It was sure good to see Heather and our grandson, Cooper!  Kylie didn't act as glad to see us as we expected.  Maybe it was the ride in the Jeep that she didn't look forward to.  John checks the weather on Jekyll every morning.  The comparison wasn't so bad the first week or so, but lately... well, we won't talk about it!!  I did a craft show at Hershey High School on Sat, Nov 1 selling my magnetic pins and scarves.  I had an upper endoscopy done on Nov 4th-everything was fine.  I had the torn abductor tendon in my left hip repaired on the 5th.  The first couple of days were painful, but my recovery has come a long way.  My first post op appt is tomorrow and I'm hoping to get rid of the clunky brace I have to wear around my waist and down my left leg.  And using a walker ( I can only be 25-50% weight bearing on my left leg) is getting very old.  But I'll have to be patient because I have another 6-10 weeks of it :(    John has been a wonderful "nurse!"  I haven't had to ring my bell even one time!!  He's always one step ahead of me.  (of course, that's not too hard... I'm using a walker!!). Seriously, he's been great.  He hasn't really had a chance to adjust to retirement since he's home because he's had to take care of me.  My middle daughter, Michele, had an open house at her new salon on the 10th.  I was able to help her with some things here at the house.  We had a cornucopia of birthdays to celebrate this month:  a surprise 65th drop in birthday party for a friend at church on the 12th, our granddaughter, Ellie's,  4th birthday party in York on the 15th,
Ellie, the birthday girl

Ellie hand Grandpa John

The birthday girl and big sister, Emma
  and John and I celebrated our 55th and 60th birthdays on the 16th and 17th.  Don't try to guess which one of us is older!  Ok, I'll give it away because all my dear children surprised me with a birthday party on Sun the 16th for my 60th.  Dustin, Cathy and the girls came, too.  We had pizza and cake for lunch and then all the leftovers from my daughter's open house for supper.  What a wonderful day!!  Ask John about the cake sometime.
Grandma Cindy taking Cooper and Bennett
for a ride on her walker
  John has been going to the gym everyday since we got back, but that all came to a screeching halt 3 days ago when he developed a pretty bad cold.  It kept getting worse along with a cough and tightness in his chest.  He went to the Dr yesterday and was diagnosed with pneumonia!  It's a shame because I was just to the point where I could maybe venture out a bit so John wouldn't have to be "cooped up".  Now he's down for the count.  Hopefully the drugs will kick in and he'll be feeling better real soon.  He's already counting down the days till we leave for Florida on Jan 3rd.  I won't be posting any more on our blog until then.  Thanks to everyone for letting us share our experiences with you and for all your interest and comments.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, blessed Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!  Come Jan 3, 2015...we'll "tawlk". 

Bye for now,
John and Cindy

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