Sunday, October 26, 2014

Next Stop...Mount Joy...Home Isn't So Bad Either!!

  We got up about 6:30 and went downstairs for the lovely continental breakfast that the Holiday Inn Express always provides.  The scrambled eggs and meat aren't great, but they have hard boiled eggs (which are difficult to mess up) and Cinnabons...YUM!!  They also have pancakes, yogurt, cold cereal, bagels, pastries, toast, hot and cols drinks, and lots of fresh fruit.  You never have to leave hungry!!  We gathered up all our stuff and reloaded the Jeep and headed out by 8:00 am.  By lunch time we were nearing VA and the Jeep was running on fumes, so we found a Pilot gas station and ate there.  We were probably there about an hour.   We took I-95 and by the time we got thru VA and DC we had had a few annoying stop and go experiences, but, all in all, it wasn't that bad.  It was so exciting to see signs for I-83 and York!  We were finally on the home stretch.  We called my son, TW and John's son, Dustin to see if we could pop in for a few minutes just to say "Hi." (they both live in York). Unfortunately, TW wasn't going to be home, but we were able to visit with Dustin, Cathy, Emma and Ellie.  It was so good to see them!  We left about 5:40 and pulled into our driveway at exactly 6:15 pm.  Luckily it isn't very cold here yet, so it will give our bodies a chance to gradually adjust to the cooling weather. We unloaded everything, unpacked, ordered Chinese, watched some TV and then slipped into our King-sized bed for a much needed good night's sleep.  Tomorrow we'll have to travel again to go pick up our pug, Kylie, who was staying with my daughter.  It's a 3 hr round trip... just a hop, skip and jump!

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