Friday, April 3, 2015

We're Heading Home!!

   Actually set the alarm this morning for 6:30 so we could be on the road by 7:30 or 8:00.  John had drained all the tanks and cleaned all the hoses last night so he wouldn't have to do all that this morning.  So... when I got up this morning I knew I wouldn't make it to the clubhouse, so I "peed" in a large plastic cup and got rid of it later.  It was raining when John got up so he "relieved" himself while standing under the awning.  You men are lucky that way!!  I fixed myself up while John finished the little bit of outside work that needed to be done.  We had breakfast and tucked all the inside stuff away and we're headed for the exit by 8:00.  By the time we checked out and hooked up the Jeep it was about 8:15.  We figured we could travel about 4 hrs. until we needed to gas up Harvey.  That would take us just over the Virginia line.  We knew gas would be cheaper there, too.  And it was...$2.09 per gallon!!  We took potty runs and shared a sub from Subway and got back on the road... halfway home!!  It started to rain just as we got into PA.  We only hit one traffic snag on the whole trip and that was on the home stretch near Harrisburg. (we used I-81 all the way instead of I-95). We pulled in the driveway about 4:30, so we made really good time!  It felt so wonderful to be home!!  We brought a few things into the house then tried to start up the Rav 4, but it was dead as a doornail.  So I took the Jeep and went to the vet to get some more pain pills for Kylie that I had called about during our trip home.  Then I stopped at The Country Store to get John his natural peanut butter and Clearfield American cheese and a few other things.  He really missed his peanut butter and cheese during our trip!  We brought in only the things that needed to come in, like all the stuff in the refrigerator and perishable food, and worked on putting those things away.  It was kind of funny that we forgot where we kept things.  We even struggled with the light switches and plates and silverware.  They just weren't in the same places that we were used to finding them the last 3 months!!  By 10:00 we were pretty "bushed" and went to bed.  We'll finish cleaning out Harvey tomorrow.  Sunday we'll go to church to reconnect with our "church" family there and then we'll be joining our family for Easter at Hershey Farms for an early dinner.  On Monday we have to take Harvey to Hanover for the warranty work that didn't get done at Lazy Days and we plan to visit with Bonnie and Ken before they leave on their trip out West.  I have lunch plans with Heather and Cooper on Tuesday and we'll most likely visit with my Mom and Dad that evening.  The cable company is coming Tuesday and Wednesday for some problems and a new hook up we want to do.  We're probably getting Bennett Wed. morning for a day or two. John needs to make an appt. with the family Dr. for his knee and I need to make an appt. with my former employer at the podiatrist office for my foot.  We'll probably go over to York to see Dustin, Cathy and the girls on Thursday afternoon and I have Praise Team practice that night.  And we get our taxes done Friday morning.  Other than that we don't have anything to do.  WELCOME BACK TO THE REAL WORLD!!
   This will be my last blog post until we do some traveling locally later this spring.  So stay tuned and bye for now!!  Thanks to all of you who have been following... we love your comments!!!

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