Wednesday, June 17, 2015

5 Days at a Local CG

 We picked up Harvey from his "resting" spot in Manheim on Thursday morning, June 11 so we could start the fridge and load him up for our departure Friday morning.  We're headed for Thousand Trails Hershey CG which is actually just off Rte 322 between Lebanon and Hershey.  We got up fairly early Friday to have breakfast and then finish loading Harvey with all the cold food.  Check in is at 12:00 but we decided to arrive about 11:00 so we could get a good spot.  So off we went about 10:00.  Kylie was so excited... not!!  I drove the Rav 4 separately because it's only a short distance from our house to the CG and I am going to have to make 2 trips home while we're here.  We arrived at the CG about 10:45, parked and drove around in the Ravi 4 looking for a shaded spot.  We found a good one and John did a fabulous job backing Harvey in.  We were all level and set up by about 12:30.  We're getting better and better at this :)  We had some cold meatloaf sandwiches for lunch and then walked around the CG a bit to check it out.  The pool and family center have recently been redone as well as the tennis/pickleball courts.  They are all really nice!  We should have taken some pictures, huh?!?  We went back to Harvey to relax and I got ready to go to Manheim for a "Frogette" evening.  John and Kylie just hung out together till I got back about midnight. 

Saturday morning John made pancakes for breakfast and then he went for a walk.  I worked on the blog from our last trip to Cape May.  We had lunch later and then went to the pool.  The water wasn't heated, but it was surprisingly pretty warm.  We left the pool about 5:30 and then John grilled for supper.  We played some Hand and Foot...I won.  I'm going to go home tonight because The Praise Team is singing in church tomorrow morning and I have to be there by 7:30am.  We figured it would be much easier for me to already be at home to get ready because of how early I had to be there.  So I said my good-byes to John and the dog and left about 10:00.

I got back to the CG on Sunday morning about 11:00am.  I don't know about John, but Kylie was sure glad to see me!!  Alexandra called to see what we were doing and decided to join us at the CG for a day of laying by the pool.  Her boyfriend, Todd was going to come along, but couldn't at the last minute.  We left the pool about 4:00, got showers, and decided to go to the Quentin Tavern for supper.  We sat out on the deck and just after we got our drinks it started to look very threatening for rain.  Luckily, we got in under the covered area just as it started to pour.  We still got a bit wet from the rain coming down off the roof so we moved the table in toward the center of the patio.  All was well and we enjoyed a delicious meal.  It is one of our favorite places to eat!  It was still raining when we left, so we dropped Alex off at her car (she had parked it in the Rail Trail parking lot just a small distance from the CG) and she left for home in Centerville.  We played some Racko which I won, watched some TV and then went to bed.
Alexandra getting ready to order at the Quentin Tavern
Grandma's girl!
The rain was just pouring down off the awning!!

We got up Monday about 7:30 and I made some "hunky" eggs (potatoes, ham, onions, and eggs all mixed together).  The weather forecast was lousy looking, so we decided we would go to the movies later to see "Jurassic World" at the Cocoa Plex theater in Hershey.  In the meantime we fooled around a little (you can take that any way you want to) and then decided to check out a restaurant in Palmyra called The Filling Station.  It had been recommended to us by a gal I used to work with.  On Mondays they serve "all you can eat" homemade chicken pot pie, so I was in all my glory!  It wasn't as good as it looked and John's cheesesteak was only average.  But it was fun to try out something new.  We then headed to the movies and that was a disappointment, too!  Oh, well, there were better things about to happen!!!  On the way home from the movies I got a call from my sister, Bonnie.  She and her husband, Ken have been making their way home from a 2 month trip out West that they cut short because of the seriousness of our Father's illness.  She asked if I had any recent news about Dad (who, by the way, is now back at Masonic Homes and doing so much better) and I told her that, no, I hadn't talked to Mom yet today.  I asked her if they were home yet and she told me that they were getting close.  Then she told me that she would check in with Mom and give me a report.  I asked her where they were and she didn't really answer my question.  But she did ask what we were doing the rest of the day.  I told her we were probably going to hang out at the pool since the sun had come out.  After we hung up I told John how weird Bonnie was acting and I said that I bet they were really home but didn't want anybody to know, so they can just take a day or two to relax.  We pulled into the CG a few minutes later and guess who was checking in at the entrance booth.  You guessed it... Bonnie and Ken.  What a wonderful surprise!!!  They had gotten there a few hours earlier while we were at the movies and had already parked their RV, Waldo.  Then they went to visit with Mom and Dad.  When they got back she called me from the CG to help set up the surprise then we kinda ruined it.  They thought we would already be at the pool when they got back.  They had parked in the site just across from ours and they planned on sitting outside and waiting to see how long it would take us to realize they were there.  It was so good to see them and we looked forward to spending a few days with them again.  We visited a while and then parted for supper.  We got together later to play some cards.  They taught us a new way to play "Up and Down the River" as teams and bidding with dice.  It was fun, but the men won.  Bonnie and Ken were pretty tired from all their travelling, so we said goodnight about 10:30.  We watched some TV and then went to bed.

We got up Tuesday morning and had breakfast.  Bonnie and Ken had decided to play some pickleball, so we went down to watch.  John even decided to get in on the action.  Even though he had never played he did well.  I had pics, but I can't seem to find them :(  Then John decided to drive over to the Rail Trail and go for a walk.  I worked on the blog.  He wasn't gone to long, though, because the bugs were too bad.  He watched some TV outside.  After lunch we decided to go to the pool.  Bonnie joined us but Ken stayed back at Waldo to read and take a nap.  We all got together at our site for supper then went over to Waldo to visit with Bonnie and Ken and their friends, Neil and Nancy who were also camping here.  When Nancy and Neil left we played Skip-O the rest of the evening.  We left about 10:30 to go to bed.

We set the alarm Wednesday morning because we were all planning on leaving by 9:00.  We had breakfast and started packing up.  We were actually ready to go by 8:45 and so were Bonnie and Ken.  We said our goodbyes and followed each other out.  We had a real nice time here!!  I called Mom on the way home and Dad just keeps getting better and stronger.  It is nothing short of a miracle!!  Praise God!!!  Thank you to everyone who was praying for him! 

Our next trip is to Gettysburg Farms RV Resort at the end of next week.  Stay tuned. 

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