Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away!!

 We got up about 6:30 on Thursday morning, had breakfast, loaded all the food into Harvey, and were out the door on our way to Gettysburg Farms by 8:00!  The address for the CG is actually Dover, so it only took us about 1 hr and 10 minutes to get there.  At 9:15 we were scouting the CG for a spot.  We tried to get one that wasn't too low because the weatherman was calling for some pretty heavy rain on Sat.  John pulled Harvey in like a pro and we were all set up by 11:00. 

This site was great before the rain.
Isn't our new Froggie flag nice
John went for a walk to check out the CG while I did some reading.  I think I fell asleep for a few minutes, too.  When John got back we had some lunch and decided to go grocery shopping because he needed half and half for his coffee.  We also wanted to get a birthday cake for Heather whose birthday was 6/23.  She's bringing our grandson, Cooper to the CG tomorrow
evening while she spends the weekend with some of her HS friends.  We'll have him 2 nights.  The grocery store, which was a Shurfine, was so nice.  They even had local home grown corn, so we picked out a half dozen ears we'll eat for supper.  When we returned to Harvey, about 2:15 we decided to head to the pool.  The neighbor behind us has a pot belly pig that travels with them and she had her out for a walk.  Then we stopped to visit with some pygmy goats that roam the CG.  They are so small they can get out of the fence of the petting zoo that also has turkeys, pigs, chickens, a cow, and a peacock.

How would you like to travel with this all the time... wait... we kind of do :)

The little pygmy goats were so cute!

Turkeys sure are ugly

This little piggy went to market.....
We also visited with a couple that had a pug.  Theirs wasn't nearly as cute as Kylie (or as large) but she had some spunk.  Of course she was only 2 yrs old.  Her name was Sadie.  We chatted for a while and got to the pool about 2:30.  We stayed until 5:00 and then went back to Harvey for some supper.  John grilled some boneless pork spareribs.  They were yummy!  He used his new secret ingredient... beer.  The corn was absolutely delicious, too!!  We didn't eat it all, so I cut it off the cob and froze it for another night.  But we'll probably go back to the store for more before our trip is over.  It was too hot to sit outside, so we played some Hand and Foot inside.  I won... yea!!  We watched some TV and then went to bed about 11:00.

Friday morning we got up about 7:00 and John went for a walk.  I down loaded some pictures and did some reading.  When John got back we decided to go back to the grocery store for more corn and to Dollar General for umbrellas because of tomorrow's forecast.  Arlena called and said that they would spend the day with us tomorrow.  They are bringing 7 yr old, Evelyn with them to play with Cooper.  She is the daughter of a friend of theirs that she frequently babysits.  Bennett, their son, is in Wisconsin for 3 weeks with his other grandma. When we got back we had cold meat loaf sandwiches for lunch and then went to the pool again.  Heather called to let us know she and Cooper would be here about 6:30.   When they arrived John started grilling hot dogs while I got the corn and Mac and Cheese ready to go.  After supper John and Cooper and I walked up to the petting zoo.  Heather drove because of her broken foot that is in a walking cast.  Cooper was a little hesitant at first but after a few minutes he had the animals eating out of his hand... literally.  We all had a good time. 
That tickles, Grandma!
Heather with her "roll-a-bout" for her foot and
me with the friendly goat
John got into the action with the calf
There were a lot of goats!!
Heather eating her birthday cake.
  I can't believe my "baby" is 42!
Cooper enjoyed the cake, too!!
Heather left to go home to our house and Cooper came back to Harvey with us.  The separation went well, but we assured him several times that Mommy would be back the day after tomorrow.  We all got ready for bed, I read Cooper a book and then I put him to bed.  John and I watched TV in our bedroom.  Cooper didn't fall asleep for a while, but  he never made a "peep".

We all woke up about 8:00 Sat. morning.  Cooper's "pull-up" was actually dry so we got him to the potty right away.  (we're working hard on that right now).  Grandpa made banana pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  They were so yummy!  We all got dressed and Cooper started playing with his matchbox cars.  He loves them and lines them all up.  Arlene called to tell us they were on their way and would be here about 10:30.  It hadn't started to rain yet but it was very overcast... we really couldn't go outside.  The four of us played "up and Down the River" as teams while Evelyn and Cooper watched a movie.  The women won.  John grilled some chicken and hot dogs in the rain while I made the corn and heated up the mac and cheese.  After lunch we drove down to the "carnival" they were having at the rec center.  By now it was pouring outside and, of course, we forgot the umbrella we had just bought!  Evelyn had her face painted but Cooper didn't like it.  He rubbed his off before they were done.  We played a few carnival type games like throwing toilet paper rolls thru toilet seats and then the kids got cotton candy.  I had forgotten how much I dislike that stuff!!  We played a couple of arcade games then ran through the rain back to the car.  When we got back to Harvey the puddles were up over our feet!!  We played "Five Crowns" and the kids played with some toys.  By supper time the rain had slowed way down, but the whole CG was flooded from the downpours earlier.  We decided to go out for pizza and when we stepped off the last step outside Harvey the water was up over our ankles!!!!!!!!!!  At least it was warm out so we could take off our shoes.  We took 2 cars to Jim and Nena's in Dover because TW and Arlena were just going to leave to go home from there.  The pizza was very disappointing, but we had a good time.  We said our good-byes and John and Cooper and I headed back to Harvey.  We watched a little TV, tucked Cooper in, and we went to bed, too.

Cooper loves to hug our "pot bellied piggy dog", Kylie

Told you Cooper likes to line up his cars and trucks.
He lined them all up under Arlena's chin!

Think we got a little rain?

This is the view down the steps from the inside of Harvey.
It was up over our ankles when we stepped on to the mat.

This is the view of the site next door
from out of our driver's seat window.

The whole CG was flooded like this!  I guess it
would be OK if you were a duck!!
Sunday morning we got up about 7:30.  It had rained again during the night so everything was very wet again.  But after breakfast we all headed down to the petting zoo and played with the pygmy goats.  They are so darn cute!  It was a bit chillier than yesterday... certainly not warm enough to go swimming, so we decided to pack it up a day early and head on home.  We called Heather to let her know not to make the trip to the CG, cleaned everything up inside and out and were on our way home by 1:00.  We were so bummed that we couldn't spend more time outside with Cooper.  He would have had such a good time at the pool.  We really enjoyed having him with us... he was an absolute joy!!!  And he was so good on the way home strapped in on the sofa while John and I were up front.  Every time we checked on him he would wave back and give us one of those big "cheeser" grins.  He especially loved any bumps we went over.  You would have thought I had gotten some pictures, huh, but I didn't :(  We got home about 2:30, unloaded, and chilled the rest of the evening.  Heather and Cooper left for home after supper.  It was a fun weekend except for the rain.

We're headed to Hershey again in 2 weeks.  Watch for the blog!

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