Friday, May 29, 2015

A Pleasant Day in Wildwood!

  John made some yummy pancakes for breakfast and then we went down to the Thousand Trails office beside the pool to talk with a gal about a membership.  After spending about an hour with her and getting all the details and answers to our questions we decided, for us, it wasn't a good investment.  Mostly because most of the Thousand Trails parks are too far from the beach.  We think it is more worth it for us to stay with the 2 zones and Encore specials we get with Josh at the Hershey RV show!  I called mom to check on dad and he is definitely septic.  But they seem to have everything under control at the moment.  We got ready, packed lunches and left for Wildwood about 11:00.  We arrived about 11:40 and found a reasonably priced parking lot.  The boardwalk was wonderful...reminded me of OCMD.  The beach was huge.  It was a very long walk to the edge of the water... felt like a quarter of a mile!!  It was pretty windy and overcast down by the water.  We tried to put up a wind screen but it was too windy to get it anchored in the sand!  It was senior week, so there were a lot of teenagers there, but they were well behaved except for some rough language.  After about an hour the wind calmed down and the sun came out and we had a wonderful day.  John even came back from his walk with 3 sand dollars!
What a nice went on forever!!
Look how far it is from the boardwalk to the water!
And how overcast it is.
John walking back from "testing" the water temp.
It was cold!!
  We left the beach about 4:30 and went up on the boardwalk to get a blizzard at DQ.  Then we spent about a half hour in Playland.  We had a great time playing Skeeball and Poker.  We gave all our tix to some kids which they greatly appreciated!  As we headed out I remembered that I wanted to get some caramel popcorn for our neighbors back home that were taking care of watering my plants.  We, by coincidence, pulled up to a parking area by the boardwalk that was located right next to the Johnson's popcorn stand.  John... you're a genius!!  Of course, we had to get a small one for us, too.  It was so yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I talked with mom on the way home and she said that dad was still listed as critical but stable, and his kidneys were starting to fail prompting a need for the doctors to insert a tube into his kidney thru his back to help drain the infection.  We grilled for supper, made a campfire and decided to leave for home in the morning.

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