Wednesday, May 27, 2015

We're Baaaaaack and on the Road Again!

Hi everyone!
   We've been pretty busy since arriving home from Florida in April!  John has been walking like crazy-he will walk over 500,000 steps this month-and he goes to the gym almost everyday!!  He even got me to join!!  Our granddaughter, Emma had a 10th birthday party and we attended one of her softball games, I had a garage sale, hosted the "Frogettes" Trivia group and the old neighborhood's "Bunco" group, and kept our grandsons, Bennett and Cooper overnight a few times.  We attend church Sunday mornings and small group every other Sunday night.  I have Praise Team practices on Thursday nights and then John and I go to Micks, a local restaurant, to play Trivia.  Recently, we found out that our daughter-in-law, Arlena is pregnant with triplets.  She is serving as a surrogate for a couple in Connecticut.  We met our granddaughter, Alexandra at a park in Columbia to see her and her boyfriend, Todd gather with his friends for the prom and attended her graduation from the commercial art program at the Brownstown Vo-Tech and from Hempfield HS.  We boated on the Susquehanna river with some friends from church who have a pontoon boat and had the family at our house for a Memorial Day picnic.  We have had a great time with friends and family but are ready to escape the "hecticity" of it all and get away again!

Emma at her 10th birthday party.  Isn't she pretty!
She asked for a stuffed animal, so that's what she got from us.
That's her Mom, Cathy, in the background.
Cooper enjoyed the birthday cake, too!!
Alexandra and Todd arriving at the park in Columbia.

Ahhhh...she does love me!

With proud Mom, Michele
The happy couple... do you think Todd is getting tired of pictures?!?
Alexandra asked me to make her wrist corsage and Todd's boutonnière.

Cooper and Bennett playing "Ring Around the Rosie".

They are both stunning, aren't they?  Of course,
I'm a bit biased!

Alexandra on stage at Warwick HS after receiving her diploma
In graphic arts from Lancaster Career and Tech Ctr

Mom and daughter
Emma ready to hit "the big one".

Ready in the outfield

Little sister, Ellie, and grandma are watching
The view of 3 Mile Island from the boat... it's so
massive close up!!

Our able bodied captain, Ed...

...and his wife, Carol

See the guy getting ready to swing into the water.
The guys dared to do it... maybe another time!

This was a drive thru pizza pick-up on the water!!

This is a young blue heron...
...we counted at least 23 nests in the clump of trees

Proud mom, Michele and Alexandra
 at Hempfield HS graduation

The happy graduate!

With cousin and our grandson, Bennett

The proud grandma and "gramps".

We had Harvey the RV at the doctor (Camping World in Hanover) for some warranty issues and a general check up ever since we arrived home in April.  We picked him up on Sat, May 23 and parked him in the overflow lot in our development.  We got him all packed up and left this morning sat 9:30 for Sea Pines RV CG near Cape May, NJ.  We had a smooth trip without much traffic and arrived at the CG at about 12:45.  Kylie, our almost 13 yr old pug, was sure glad... she just doesn't like to travel!  We drove around for a while to find just the right spot.  We pulled in about 1:30 and were all set up and relaxing by 3:00.  We still got it!!  We made some sandwiches for "lupper".  We went outside and realized we didn't have a fire ring on our site so we rode our bikes down to the office to find out what to do.  They told us to just grab one from another site... easy for them to say... those buggers are heavy!! My strong hubby was able to handle it and we were in business for a campfire.  We rode around the CG for a bit and checked out all there was to do and then spent the rest of the evening talking about what all we wanted to do the rest of the week and watched some TV.  We were both tired so we hit the hay about 10:30.  Have to get used to the Queen size bed again (we have a King at home).  It would be easier if John didn't hog my side, too :)

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