Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Fun Day with Heather and the Grandkids!

We woke up to another gorgeous day here at Circle M CG!  John used the leftover steak from last night to make steak, potatoes and eggs for breakfast.  It was delicious!  We weren't sure what time TW and Arlena were bringing Bennett, so we got cleaned up and dressed and waited for their call.  We met them at the office at 10:15, loaded up Bennett and all his "stuff" for swimming and staying overnight, and then headed back to Harvey.  We all changed into our bathing suits and drove to the outdoor pool. We had a great time with Bennett in the pool and at the playground.  He really likes the water and isn't afraid at all to go "under".  He loved jumping off the edge without anyone catching him and he also loved to be thrown "up to the sky" while in the pool.  Grandpa was pretty good at it.  We had fun at the playground, too, until we noticed a bunch of wasps nests.  We skeedaddled back to the pool pretty quickly!! 
Bennett on the moving walkway

What is Bennett looking at?

It's a butterfly!!

We spotted this "fireplace" on the way back to the pool.

Bennett spent some time in the "baby pool".
UH-OH... caught Grandpa napping!

Heather called about 1:30 to let us know she was close, so we drove to the office to meet her.  Since there was only one space for a car at our site, John took the Jeep to an overflow lot and Heather pulled in next to Harvey.  It was so good to see her and Cooper!  We decided to eat lunch before going back to the pool.
It was such a great afternoon for a picnic!

Bennett loves to walk Kylie with her leash!

Cooper and Heather all ready for the pool... let's go!!
  Heather and Cooper got their swimming gear on and we all walked to the indoor pool and water park.  (Heather drove because of still nursing her broken foot).  Unfortunately the small waterslide was closed, but Cooper and Bennett had a wonderful time going down the regular sliding board, running thru the "mushroom", and crawling thru the tube under the waterslide.
Cooper and Bennett had a blast on the slide!

Cooper was always all smiles at the bottom!

Grandma is trying to convince Cooper to come into the mushroom.

There we are...all inside

And there we are after coming out... drenched!!
  After about an hour we went over to the indoor pool.  We spent another hour there with the boys jumping in and being thrown.  I was surprised how unafraid Cooper was of going under the water.  He didn't even hold his nose.  He just came up with that huge grin of his! 
Heather and Cooper watching Grandpa throwing Bennett
 Then we went back over to the outdoor pool and spent another hour there.  We all had such a good time!
Grandpa had a fun day with the boys!

Look at Bennett flying "high in the sky".

Now it was Cooper's turn.
    By this time it was almost 6:00, so we packed up and headed back to Harvey for supper.  John grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and I heated up mac and cheese and peas.  After supper John started a fire.  While we were waiting for the fire to get "just right" for s'mores Bennett and Cooper played on the picnic table with some of Bennett's trucks, then they sat by the fire with Grandpa while Heather and I chatted.  By 8:30 we were toasting marshmallows and eating our s'mores...YUM!
Bennett and Cooper shared trucks and played very well together.
It was fun to watch them interact.  They don't often get together.

Come on fire... burn down so we can get toastin'

Finally, we get to eat s'mores!!
  Heather and Cooper left about 9:30 and she texted me about 10 minutes after that left that Cooper was already "out cold".  No wonder... the boys played really hard and neither won had a nap.  Bennett's head hit the pillow about 10:20 and he was out by 10:22!  John and I weren't up much longer either... we, too, were exhausted.  But what a great day it was!!!

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