Monday, August 24, 2015

We're On the Road Again!

   Since the last blog some exciting things have happened for our family.  Our oldest daughter, Heather, accepted a teaching position at a charter school in York, so she and our grandson, Cooper, will finally be moving closer...YAY!!  Our granddaughter, Alexandra, will be starting classes at Harrisburg Area Community College in the near future.  Her pre-admission testing went very well... only has to take one intermediate algebra course to catch up on math.  Way to go, Alex, we are very proud of you!  She thinks she wants to be a pediatric nurse and then maybe use that to enter the Air Force.  Grandpa sure likes that idea since he retired from there after 28 yrs!  Alex's boyfriend, Todd, just took his test today to possibly enter the Air Force, too.  Wow, do you think Grandpa has any influence.  Of course, he was a recruiter for 16 of those 28 years, so he some wonderful advice!!  Thanks, Gramps!!  Arlena's surrogate pregnancy is going well... every time I see her she seems to "pop out" another inch.  I guess twins do that, huh?!?  She and TW are also starting to look at homes in the York area.  Their's will be too small when they plan to expand their own family in a year or so.  I can hardly wait to help decorate... it's fun to spend other people's money :).  Michele's hairstyling business is booming.  She's getting ready to finally finish the outside patio areas.  I saw the plans and it will be beautiful.  Dustin's training job is going well and Cathy has already gone back to her teaching job.  Dad continues to do well and so does Mom.  John is still doing his walking. 
   We picked up Harvey from Manheim on Thursday, filled the propane tank at Molly's, and then filled the gas tank at Giant.  We had $2.60 in gas points from Giant, so we didn't have to pay anything for the first 25 gallons and got $.10 off of the next 25 gallons.  How cool is that!! 
$2.60/gallon gas reward...
 and gas was only $2.49/ didn't cost us anything...
...for the first 25 gallons... zero... zilch... nada!!!
We parked Harvey in the overflow lot in our development and loaded him up a bit each day.  We also started up the fridge on Saturday so we could be completely done by Sunday night.  We want to get an early start on Monday.  John is so good at getting everything ready.  He takes lots of trips with my childhood "little red wagon".
   So we got up this morning at 3:00 am so we could be on the road with Harvey (and Kylie) to Cape Cod by 4:00.  We almost made it!  We left at 4:15.  We made our first stop at Exit 8 off of route 84 after about 2 and 1/2 hrs of traveling.  We wanted to get gas before leaving PA because it was cheaper than NY or Connecticut.  We also grabbed some breakfast sandwiches at the Burger King there.  Then back on the road for another 3 and 1/2 hrs to Exit 71 again off 84 but now in Connecticut.  We just got out and stretched and let Kylie go potty.  It drizzled off and on and there were some places that we could tell had gotten down pours before we got there, so we were lucky to have avoided those!  We arrived at the CG in Cape Cod about 1:45.  There were huge puddles all over from an obvious downpour they had gotten before we arrived.  But it was sunny and unfortunately very "steamy" when we got out of the RV.  We drove around to pick a spot... there were only 2 available!  We found a nice "pull-through" and were all set up by 3:00.  It went really well, but John was soaked from sweating by the time he was done.
Nice site, huh? 
  I opened up the fridge to get some things out for lunch and saw some pink liquid on the bottom of the fridge.  One of my wine coolers had opened and spilled all over... what a mess!  After cleaning that up we finally ate lunch and then took a look around the CG.  It reminds us of Sea Pines in Cape May... lots of pine trees.  John showered and we just chilled a bit.  He took a short nap before we went to the grocery store to get a few things.  On the way back we tried to check out Onset Beach, but we couldn't find it!  We had a quick supper when we got back and then played Racko.  John won, but it was close!  We got ready for bed at 10:00...we were both exhausted!!  The weather is supposed to be "iffy" tomorrow, so we might do some sight seeing.  Stay tuned!

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