Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Went To Falmouth on Cape Cod Today

   John got up early again today (6:30) and went for a walk.  He just can't seem to sleep in.  I climbed out of bed at 8:15.  John cooked some eggs and bacon for breakfast.  We decided to go to Falmouth Beach which is located just over the Bourne Bridge into Cape Cod.  It should probably take us about 40 minutes to get there.  We would also like to walk around the downtown area, so we figure we'll probably eat a late lunch while we're there.  John didn't even put his bathing suit on, but I did, just in case I needed an "ocean fix".  We left about 10:45.  I spent almost 30 minutes on the phone with Dad's Urology office trying to verify an appt for him on Sept 8 then got cut off.  Jeez Louise!!  Then I called Masonic Village and they are going to try to straighten it out.  It was a perfect day for the beach... the sun was hot, but there was a really nice breeze coming in from the ocean.  We lucked out and found a part of the beach that had a free parking area.  Most of them in the area charge $10-$20 to park!!  John took a couple of walks while I just sat and enjoyed watching everyone on the beach...especially the kids playing in the water!  There were a lot of large boats going by also.  I played Yahtzee and did a Suduko puzzle, too.
This the Bourne Bridge into Cape Cod and Falmouth
Here we go!
The beach was small, but beautiful, as was the water!
These were geese!  We never saw geese in the ocean before.
This sailboat is so classy looking...
...but as the wind got stronger it looked like it was going to blow over!
This is the ferry... it was pretty hazy way out there.
John snapping pix with his fancy camera...
...playing Yahtzee...
...and saying, "Hi"

A typical house along the water.

A not so typical house along the water.

  By 3:00 the breeze had become wind and it was pelting us in the face, so we packed it up and drove to downtown Falmouth.
Is this Plymouth Rock?
  Our first stop was at a small Italian bistro.  We both had the "Pilgrim" wrap-turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mayo, lettuce, onion, and tomato.  It was good, not great, but it filled out tummies.  I left to go window shopping while John drank another cup of coffee.  I made 2 purchases, a top and a shell shaped wire container to hold all the sand dollars we found last year. 
Works pretty good, huh?
We left Falmouth about 6:00 and stopped at the Air National Guard "Joint" Base that John used to visit occasionally when he was stationed in Fall River.
We snuck up on some turkeys.

Oh, darn, they saw us or maybe they could smell
those turkey sandwiches we had for lunch!

One of the airplanes on display.
  Then we left to come home and get ready to watch Redland, PA play in the semi-final game of the Little League Baseball World Series in Williamsport.  We were going to go to a sports bar since we can't get ESPN in Harvey, but we decided to watch it in the Members Lounge.  We packed some snacks and drinks and headed down there at about 7:30.  We played a game of 500 Rummy while waiting for the game to start.  It was a nail-biter, but Redland beat Texas 3-0.  YAY!!  Bonnie and Ken and their fellow friends from Tennessee, Melissa and Chuck were there.  We looked for them, but couldn't find them in the 35,000+ crowd (;-).  We got back to Harvey about 10:20.  John pretty much went right to bed (he's still not feeling 100% and coughing) while I worked on the blog. 
Tomorrow we have reservations on Capt John's Whale Watching boat out of Plymouth.  Maybe we'll see the real Plymouth Rock!!


  1. Looks like a fun day. We are having a great time here in the Williamsport area with Chuck and Melissa. We were at the Little League stadium from 3:30 to 10:00 yesterday watching the 2 games. What an exciting game for Redland. That stadium is beautiful and you don't pay to park or get in. Amazing! You can't take in any food or drinks, but everything is priced reasonably! We are looking forward to watching all the games on Saturday and Sunday and will probably go there later today. Keep enjoying! Also, thanks for you work on behalf of Dad at the Urology offce. I appreciate it!

  2. Also, love the sand dollar wire holder. It's beautiful! Good choice!
