Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Perfect Beach Day!

    I woke up about 7:30 and John was already up.  We planned on meeting Bonnie, Ken, Doloris, and Fred at Manasota Beach around 10:00, so we ate breakfast, packed lunches and were out the door by 9:30.  What a beautiful morning!  It was already in the mid 60's and we were able to open up the sides of the Jeep.  We were at the beach by 10:15 and the parking lots were FULL!!  John had to drive over the bridge that brings you into the area and park on the other side!  That's one way to get his steps in!!  Instead of waiting for John to get back, I called Ken to ask for help getting all our "stuff" onto the beach and he was happy to oblige.  We were finally BOTH on the beach by 11:00.  And so was everyone else... the beach was packed! 

Told you it was full!!
But the beach is big enough for ALL of us!
It was absolutely gorgeous...bright sunshine, slight breeze, and high 70's with no humidity.  While everyone else was either out walking or "shoveling" for shells and sharks teeth down by the water I sat in my chair sifting through the sand looking for treasures.  I'm not complaining or feeling sorry for myself, really, I was having a ball!  Later, John brought about half a dozen shovel loads to me to go through.
See the pile of shells in front of me that I have already gone through.
John came up with the idea of the water filled tub at my left foot
to help sift out the sand... he's a genius!!
  It was a good day for sharks teeth and shells.
Not bad for a few hours of work, huh?
  About 3:00 I went down to the water to sit for a while.  It felt good to get my tootsies wet!  We left about 4:00 and, unfortunately, Fred and Doloris were out searching for goodies, so we didn't get to say "good-bye".  They are heading back to PA early tomorrow morning.  It was nice to spend some time with them again.  We haven't seen them since the 6 of us were in Cape May together last September.  Don't envy them going back to the "real" world.  Sure hope they have a safe trip!!  John dropped me off at the pool and he went back to Harvey to let Kylie out and then he joined me.
She doesn't look too interested in going out, does she!?!

Ah, now, John has her attention, but she still needs some coaxing!
  Ernie and Noela were at the pool and we made plans with them to come back to the pool later to play some shuffleboard.  We played couple against couple and Ernie and Noela won pretty handily.  Of course, all my minus 10's made it pretty easy for them.  In one of my turns I got a minus 10 with every single one of my "pucks".  Every time I knocked one off, the one I knocked it off with stayed in the space!  I think I should get some sort of special recognition for that!!  We returned to Harvey and had leftovers for supper.  After supper we strung the froggie lights up on to the awning.  They look so cute.  Of course, we failed to get a picture, so I'll get one tomorrow and add it.
The froggie lights during the day
  We also put the new cover on the Jeep so we didn't have to close it all up.   I watched a little bit of the Oscars, although I truly can only WATCH it because for some reason we get no sound on that channel.  I had the closed caption on so I would know who won.  If I'm honest, I really only watch it anyway to see the beautiful or weird dresses the actresses are wearing for the event.  We were in bed by 10:30.

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