Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away!

   It started pouring about 1:30 this morning!  It was so loud on the roof of the motor home that it woke me up several times.  Then about 3am the thunderstorms started.  Till it was all over at about 11am we had 2 and 1/2 inches of rain!!  There was a lot of flooding in the CG especially in our area.  We must be lucky enough to be in the low spot.  The water out in front of Harvey was ankle deep!
That's the ankle deep water across the road

This is where he Jeep was parked

This is the patio out back under water

This is right outside our door

The water is up over my toes when stepping
On the mat on top of the rug!
(see the dark spot on my sandal)
  John had to put our portable step out beside the passenger side of the Jeep in order to get in.  Then he had to slide across the seat to the driver's side.  It's still fairly warm... about 70, but it's supposed to get cooler this evening when a cold front comes through.  I worked on my magnetic pins all day.  It was fun because I hadn't made any since November. 
Getting ready for the craft show tomorrow on Pine Island

John read, watched TV and napped.  We decided to go out for supper since we had been in all day.  We went down the road about 2 miles to Snook Haven.  Bonnie told us about this place... that it had recently been taken over by Sharkey's and was much improved.  It was very casual, all paper and plastic eating/drinking supplies, and the atmosphere and decorations were neat.  It was an open air feeling even though we were inside.  The food and service was great and the prices were reasonable.  And there was LIVE entertainment... Ron Harrison at the mike.  Enjoyed him very much.
Large outside eating area...we ate inside to the left

Guess we're cool, huh?!?

Big Hank, the alligator

Every glass panel in the restaurant was decorated
With a different wood carving

This is Ron Harrison... sang a lot of ballad-type songs
Yes, Andrea, John finally got the Jeep dirty!!
Then we went to Publix to get few things.   When we got back to Harvey we played a game of Hand and Foot.  I won, but it was a close game!  Then we turned in for the night.


  1. Glad you like enjoyed Snook Haven. See you tomorrow..

  2. Wow, you did have a lot of rain! Water, water everywhere! Looking forward to being together at the craft show. You're pins are looking good!

  3. Isn't Snook Haven a fun place! We haven't been there since Sharkey's took over, but we need to give it a try!
