Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Gorgeous Day!

   We woke up early and decided to go to the 8:30 am Tuesday morning weekly CG meeting.  THEY HAVE DONUTS!  By the time we got there at 8:20 there were 4 plain cake donuts left and the club house was full!  They make general announcements in English and French (remember I told you there were a lot of French Canadians here) and then have a home owners meeting, which we didn't stay for.  John went for his walk and I went over to the pickleball courts to watch them play.  It's a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping pong using a smaller court, a wiffle ball, and a paddle type racquet.  I can hardly wait to play after my hip and foot heal completely, probably next year.  Bonnie and Ken play quite a bit.  Bonnie called while I was observing and explained the rules and the scoring.  Then she invited us to Manasota Beach but we had already decided to hang out at the pool today.  My phone shut off while talking to her and I couldn't get it to turn back on.  It wouldn't charge either.  Guess we'll have to make a trip to the AT&T Store today!  Even though the temp got into the mid 70's and the sun was very hot, we were glad we stayed in the CG because it got extremely windy!  Wouldn't have wanted to be at the beach today!  We got to the pool about 11:00 and stayed till about 3.  We changed clothes and headed to an RV store to pick up clips to hang our new lights on our awning.  But they only had I set and we need at least two.  Then we went to the highly recommended (by Bonnie) restaurant called Farlow's.  It's by the bay but because of the wind and possible rain we opted to eat inside.  The atmosphere was neat and the food was very good! 
The pretty entrance
I couldn't resist!!
The patio overlooked the bay
After dinner we drove back into Port Charlotte to the AT&T store.  We passed wild pigs on the side of the highway but couldn't stop to get pix because of traffic.  Hopefully they will still be there on the way back!  My phone was dead!!  Luckily, it's still under warranty, so they are going to send me a new phone in 2-3 days.  On the way home we saw the pigs again and could stop to get pix. 
The pretty sky while on our way back to the CG

This pig was large!

Two more little piggys
When we got back to Harvey I caught up on my blog posts for a while and then we Skyped with Dustin, Cathy, Emma and Ellie.  It was wonderful to see them and talk with them!!
That's Emma and Ellie-aren't they sweet!!
 (notice Penn St winning in the background)
 John read and watched TV and then went to bed.  I finished my blog posts about 12:45.  Now I'm going to bed!!! 

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