Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Weatherman Got it All Wrong Today!

   John got up early to do his "chores"... condition the toilets, empty the tanks, pay those nasty bills and do his exercise routine.  I got up about 8:15 and did my exercises.  We had breakfast and decided to go to Manasota beach since the weather was supposed to be gorgeous after the predicted fog lifted.  We ate breakfast, packed our lunches and were on the way to the beach by 9:45.  I called my friend, Jane and we sang "Happy Birthday" to her.  She thanked us but told us that her birthday isn't until next month!  (When we got home I realized I had flipped the calendar to March).  Oh, well, it's one of the few times I have been EARLY for something!!  It was overcast the whole way to the beach and when we arrived there was a lot of misty fog and a stiff breeze.
The walkway beside the bath house is embedded with sharks teeth!
We've been told that people try to chisel them out!!


Lots of "sea fog" on the beach and over the water!
  We "set up shop" and John scooped up about 4 or 5 shovels of shells for me to look through for sharks teeth.
My honey getting my bin of water for me

See, Terry, John has to do some shoveling, too!!
That's the gal from Ephrata behind John
  While he was at the edge of the ocean he struck up a conversation with 2 older women who were looking for teeth also.  One was from Hershey and the other one was from Ephrata.  I talked with the gal from Ephrata and turns out we bought bathroom cabinets from her son-in-law.  He has a shop behind the Pizza Hut in Ephrata and we were sent there by Landmark to match the cabinets already in our home.  What a small world!!  I continued sifting through my shells while John took a walk.  The fog was getting heavier and it seemed to be getting colder and breezier but we attempted to tough it out thinking that the sun would soon have to pop through as the weatherman had promised.  But it didn't, so we gave up about 2:00.
See how much worse the "sea fog" got

  By the time we got to the bath house area, away from the beach, the temp seemed to go up 10 degrees.  We stopped at Publix on the way home to restock.  When we got home I ate the sandwich we had packed and John ate his leftovers from Sonny's.  Then he took a nap... the poor guy was tuckered out from all his "chores"!  I'm watching TV right now and the weatherman is calling the fog, "sea fog" and apparently it's all over the area beaches today.  John woke up about 5:30 and we went down to the club house to play shuffleboard.  Honestly, he couldn't miss!!  And on top of that he kept knocking my puck into the minus 10 space.  Of course, the fact that I kept doing it, too, didn't help. Both games were a slaughter.  Thank goodness we were forced to stop playing due to a couples league.  I couldn't have taken any more humiliation.  Congratulations, Honey!!   When we got back I showered and got into my jammies.  John took another walk.  We're going to hang out in Harvey tonight so I can watch The Voice.  John tried to do the laundry, but he didn't have enough credit on the laundry card and the only place you can add credit is in the office which is closed.  Guess we'll do it tomorrow.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better weather day!

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