Sunday, July 19, 2015

Another Scorching Day at Little Buffalo

John got up about 7:30 and went down to the bath house to shower.  Remember... we don't have a sewer hook-up, so we have to conserve!  The girls and I woke up when he got back.  Dustin and Cathy arrive shortly thereafter and John made more pancakes and bacon.  Then the adults played Three Crowns (John won) while the girls shot foam doughnuts all over the inside of Harvey.  They had a great time.  We all got into our suits and "the kids" left for the pool about 10:15 only to find that the pool didn't open until 11:00!    John and I packed sandwiches and snacks for later at the picnic grove and "the kids" drove around awhile to kill time.  We met them at 11:00 and headed into the pool.  People just kept coming in and it was packed by 1:00!  No wonder... it was in the high 80's again and very humid.  We all had a great time in the pool and the water park! 
Isn't Ellie a cutie pie in her shark floatie!?!
Dustin and Cathy are just chillin and beatin the heat
The happy Schnee family

It was a fun day with the girls!

The Schnee boys

Emma and Ellie had fun crawling through the fountains...

...and running under the showers.

We were all getting hungry by 2:00, so John went back to Harvey to pick up the cooler.  We headed out to the picnic grove about 15 minutes later and waited for John to come back.  We ate our sandwiches, snacks and fruit and then went back inside.  It wasn't long before the pool was closed again for a "safety and water quality check".  They announced it would be closed for about a half an hour, so the younger Schnee family decided it was time to leave.  We said our good-byes, but John and I decided to stay.  And, guess what... John convinced me to go down the big slide.  I was right... it was scary, but fun.  I think I liked the small slide better!!  We didn't leave until about 6:00.  When we got back we showered had some leftovers for supper and played some cards.  Then I worked on my blog a bit and we went to bed.  We were both pretty tired after spending all that time at the pool. Ha ha.  Another wonderful day!!


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