Thursday, July 30, 2015

Spending the Next 6 Days at Circle M in Millersville

   We plan on leaving for the CG about 10:00.  John got up early and started preparing Harvey for our trip.  He had turned on the refrigerator last night but because of how hot it was outside, it just didn't want to cool down.  Hooray... it was down to 32 degrees this morning!  He also took a bunch of loads of clothing and food up to Harvey in my childhood red express wagon before I ever got up.  What a guy... he works hard so I don't have to!  I got up about 8:15, dressed and went outside to water all the flower beds.  John was still wheeling stuff up to Harvey.  I had some breakfast, showered, and finished getting the last of my paraphernalia together.  Then I drove to Giant to get some gas points added to my rewards card.  Harvey soon needs a drink!  I got back about 10:00, we loaded the dog and took off.  We decided not to tow the Jeep since Millersville is so close.  The trip went great until we got close to the CG.  There was some road construction and the lined up opposing traffic blocked the sign for the CG, so John drove right past it.  I pulled in and registered while waiting for him to turn around and come back.  It didn't take him long to return.  We drove around the CG for about 20 minutes looking for just the right spot and we found it...C-2.  Easy to get into and a big shade tree...YAY!
Nice site, huh?!?  We get very little

  It took us just 45 minutes to pull in, level up, and set up.  And we just beat the rain.  We ARE getting good at this.  (of course, the site was pretty level to begin with which helps a lot!).  Then we decided to go to Lowe's to pick up a step stool.  Our automatic steps into Harvey stopped working the day we left the last CG :(. It started to pour and lightning just as we left the CG and the traffic was all backed up because of traffic lights that weren't working due to the storm.  But we managed to get there and find a stool that would work.  Then we drove just past the CG to check out "the corn wagon".  I've often heard people talk about it but I've never been there.  They have 3 huge wagon loads of corn that they sell for $2 a dozen!  They have some other produce, too.  I just might have to get some to freeze when we leave next week...I'm almost out of last year's.  We came back to the CG and had some leftovers for lunch.  The rain had stopped.  Got a call from my sister, Bonnie, about a doctor appt. for our dad with urology.  I'm actually already waiting for a call back from his doctor.  The CG has cable, so I'm watching "Top Gun" while I'm working on this blog... good movie!  John is taking a nap.  I got a text from Alexandra asking us if we were going to Trivia tonight at Mick's in Mt Joy.  I told her we were not because we are camping in Millersville.  Then it occurred to me that there is a Mick's on Columbia Ave not far from the CG.  I called to see if they, too, have Trivia tonight.  They do, so we will go there instead.  Alex and Todd are going to join us.  The restaurant was PACKED and it was so noisy you could hardly hear the questions.  We didn't do very well, but it was fun, I think.
Alex and Todd holding the picture round questions.
We had to identify the state flags.  I think we only
got 5 of them :(

During the evening Todd announced that he was going to be signing up for the Marines tomorrow.  He would like to get into the Military Police.  We are very proud of him as is Alexandra.  He said he probably wouldn't leave for Basic until next Feb or June.  We wish him much success!  By coincidence, just before we were ready to leave, my daughter, Michele, arrived with a girlfriend.  It was nice to chat with her a while.  We got back to the CG about 10:30.  John watched TV while I worked on my blog.  We went to bed about midnight. 

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