Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hosting Church Small Group at the CG This Evening

We left for Mt Joy about 7:45 and arrived home about 8:10.  I fried the bacon and mixed up the baked beans.  John threw in a load of wash.  We both got our showers and dressed for our church picnic.  I started the beans and we left the house about 9:40 and headed to Sico/Chiques Park just a few minutes from the house.  There were about 90 people there.  They service ended at 11:15 and then we ate.  The church provided 3-6 foot subs and the congregation provided the rest of the "pot luck".  As you might imagine there was a lot of good food!  We left to go back to the house at 12:15.  I took the beans out of the oven and put them in the crock pot, frosted the banana cake I had frozen a few days ago and packed up all the food we needed for our small group meeting tonight at the CG.  John went to Giant to pick up ice for the cooler.  He loaded that while I was getting the food ready.  He also loaded 2 patio umbrellas to use at the CG because of all the afternoon sun we get there.  We loaded the Jeep and were back on the road about 1:30.  We got back to the CG about 2:00.  John worked on setting up everything needed outside while I tidied up inside and got the rest of the food ready.  Everyone arrived at 4:00 (except Linda K who wanted to stay closer to home because of her terminally ill mother).  We showed all 5 members of our group around Harvey then sat outside enjoying fruit and dip and "onion pretzels" and conversation.  John started to grill the chicken and ribs while I got out the potato salad, red beet eggs and baked beans.  Linda Z helped me with all the stuff we needed to "set" the table outside.  We were eating by 5:30.  I served banana cake with brown butter icing for dessert.  It was all very yummy if I do say so myself.  After dinner we played some corn hole (bean bag toss) and ladder golf.  John started a fire and most of us had a s'more or two or just a toasted marshmallow or two.  YUM!!  They left about 9:00.  We had a really nice time!!

Joyce and Kylie doing some bonding.
Sally is enjoying her s'more
Linda getting ready to toast her marshmallow.
Rod is toasting 2 marshmallows... no s'more for him!

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