Monday, July 20, 2015

Our First Kayaking Adventure!

  After breakfast we talked about what we wanted to do today.  It was a beautiful morning, so we decided to go kayaking on the lake.  So we packed the beach bag and changed into our suits and headed down to the lake (just beside the pool).  Just after we paid for our kayaks John recognized a guy down by the water that he used to work with in Middletown at the base.  They talked a while and he asked him if he would take some pictures of our first kayaking for us.  He was happy to oblige.  It was quite an experience.  Right off the bat I had a terrible time getting my life jacket on correctly.  Then I had trouble getting into the boat because it kept moving away from the dock.  I almost choked the young man trying to help us!!  John kind of fell into the boat and off we went.  We couldn't seem to get our strokes in sync, so I just let John paddle. (I'm pretty smart, huh!?!). We only rented the kayak for an hour, so we couldn't go very far. (Thank goodness, cause my arms hurt already!). We were hoping to see the deer we saw the night before just on the edge of the lake when we were checking out the area to rent the kayak, but we didn't.  All in all, it wasn't so great, but now we can say we did it! 

How the heck do you put this thing on?
There, I think I've got it!
What the heck is she doing?  I'll tell you what I'm doing...
trying to get in this d_ _ _ boat.  The guy helping me
is lucky to still be alive!
Whew... finally in.  Do you think the guy helping
thinks I'm a crazy old lady.  I wish you could really
see the expression on his face!
See... it wasn't just me... John pretty much fell  into the boat!
We sure look like we know what were doing, huh?!?
Shy... don't tell...I just let John paddle while I went for a ride.

Look at all the pretty pedal boats in the background...
We probably should have rented one of  those instead!
From there we went to the pool for a few hours and it started to cloud over.  I didn't really want to leave, but John thought we should.  Just as we got to the exit it started to drizzle and by the time we got back to Harvey it was pouring.  He's a genius!!  It didn't last long, so we decided to clean up and drive into town to find a place to eat supper.  We checked the GPS for places in the area and a diner came up.  Well, the GPS took us to an alley with no diner in site.  We stopped and asked some women sitting outside an apartment bldg and they told us where it was, but it was already closed for the day.  I remembered passing a nice looking Italian restaurant on the way but we couldn't find it.  By now we were close to the Red Rabbit Drive-In, so we stopped there.  But after looking at the menu, we decided really hungry for that kind of food.  We left and continued our search.  There was a billboard across the road from Red Rabbit for The Ranch House and it was just off the exit, so we headed there. It was about 7:30 by now and our first clue should have been hat there was only one other car in the parking lot.  But we figured it was because of the time.  It looked nice enough when we walked in, so we stayed.  (They had a real nice looking dessert case!)  After we sat down we noticed a lot of flies on the ceiling and the bar area.  They were starting to visit our table, too.  I ordered a Ranch House burger and John got a roast beef dinner.  The food wasn't bad, actually my hamburger was very good, but the flies were just so annoying!!  Our waitress apologized about the flies and said they have tried everything to get rid of them with no success.  To say the least we were very anxious to get out of there.  When we got back to Harvey we started a fire, but I came in shortly after...I was hot... and worked on my blog.  John stayed out a bit but then came in, too.  We played Hand and Foot (I won) and kept checking on the fire and then put it out and went to bed.

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