Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Fruitful Day at Mixon's

   I got up at 6:15 in order to get ready to go to my craft show in Bradenton.  It's about a 45 minute drive.  John's hip was really bothering him when we woke up.  Me thinks he walked too much on the beach yesterday, so he decided not to go with me.  The shower is from 9-5 and, other than walking, he wouldn't have known what to do with himself the whole day.  I certainly understood!  I had some cereal for breakfast and then off I went just a little before 7:00.  I arrived at 7:45.  I knew Bonnie and Ken wouldn't be there until about 8:30 because that had come to set up last night since they are only 10 minutes away.  There were about 40 or 50 craft stands there and the morning started slowly.  But when the day was over I had over $500 in sales!   That will buy a lot of gas for Harvey!  Bonnie had a good day, too. And my pins have now gone international.  A lady bought 3 that she will be taking back to England on Sunday.  Ken and Bonnie helped me take my stuff out to the car and load it.  Thanks so much, guys! 
The entrance to the store.
There's the ad for the show.  It worked because
there were a lot of people there!
My display.
Bonnie and here wire-wrapped shell pieces and
matching earrings.
I stopped at Walmart for a few groceries on the way back and I was home by just before 7:00.  It was a long day!  I was tired and my foot was killing me.  John was feeling much better because he spent much of the day at the pool and in the hot tub.  He grilled hamburgers for supper and then we played 2 games of 5 Crowns.  He won both.  We'll have to play the "bully" tomorrow night. I went to bed about 10:00.  John came in later. 


  1. It was fun being at a craft show together and in Florida. Who would have thought it?

  2. It was fun being at a craft show together and in Florida. Who would have thought it?
