Monday, March 7, 2016

Time to Get My Shark Teeth Fix!

John woke me up about 8:00.  I certainly wasn't ready to get up, but we needed to have breakfast and get ready to go to Manasota Beach again today.  The shark teeth were calling my name :)  Bonnie called to let us know that she and Ken and Melissa and Chuck were coming to Manasota also and would be there about 11:30.  Then our neighbor, Gary, who we had invited last evening to go along to the beach, knocked on our door and said that he and his wife, Jan, were happy to take us up on our offer.  John walked the trash down to the dumpster and while he was away I practiced my song for the show in the mirror holding my blush brush.  I won't have a headset...I'll have a hand mike.   I wanted to make sure I could do the motions OK using only one hand.  It worked :)  We took off at 9:45 and Gary and Jan followed us.  It was a great day at the beach!!  It was nice getting to know Gary and Jan a bit, although I spent most of my time in the water looking for teeth.  Gary is a retired 6th grade math teacher and Jan is a retired middle school science teacher.  They are from Ohio and have 2 Australian Shepherds named Jasper and Sadie.  They had some good stories to tell, some fun and some pretty harrowing.  Bonnie and the gang arrived about 11:30.  Gary and Jan left about 1:00, I think.  I didn't really get to visit with the gang too much...they took some long walks and I was at waters edge searching.  It was nice to see everyone again though!  They left about 5:30 and John and I stayed another half hour or so to watch and get pics of the sunset.  When we got back John dropped me off at the hot foot was bothering me.  I walked back after about 20 minutes.  We had some leftovers for supper and then John read while I watched The Voice.  He went to bed about 9:30 and I joined him right after The Voice at 10:00.  Our data is running low, so I'll add pictures in a few days when it starts again. You won't want to miss the ones of the sunset!!
When I tell John to "go fly a kite"...he does! :)

This stretch of the beach was pretty full...

...this one was not!

The glistening water is so pretty!!

I'm checking for teeth in the scoop of the "Florida snow shovel"

Bonnie likes to get down close to preserve her back!

Ken walks with his head down and his eyes pealed for teeth.
We all do that!!

Melissa and Chuck are chillin' with their books.

Sunsets are so beautiful!  It's so neat to be able
 to watch the progression.  And it ALWAYS
amazes me how quickly it happens!

Here's our haul from today...about 300!!!

Our jar is just about FULL!

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