Friday, March 4, 2016

More Shark Teeth and More Songs

 We got up this morning at about 8:00, had breakfast, and got ready to go to Manasota Beach...the shark teeth were calling ;)  My stomach was still giving me some problem, so I decided to try drinking water instead of Crystal Light iced tea.  Thought maybe the aspartame might be the problem.  It's going to be hard, though, because I don't enjoy water at all!!  So we filled our 1/2 gallon jug with ice and water (YUK!) and off we went at about 10:15.  We stopped at CVS on the way to pick up some Pepto-Bismol to see if that might help my tummy.  John was having a tinge of it too, so he also took some.  It was a perfect day for the beach until about 2:15 when the wind kicked up and started coming from the NE.  It actually got a little chilly.
This is the lifeguard station at the entrance>
The green flag means a great day on the beach!

That is what we saw when we got to the beach!
Hard to resist!
the beach is covered with deep piles of mostly little shells!
It was pretty full for a week day especially this side!
This side not so much!
The waves got a little bigger when the wind kicked up!
  We decided to walk up the beach a bit to look for teeth at a different spot.  We had a lot of success but needed to leave by 3:30 in order to get back, have supper, load my craft stuff for the show tomorrow, and get ready for karaoke at 7:00, so we headed back to our chairs.  I had a lot of trouble walking back...the strong wind was right in our faces and my foot was killing me.  I was so exhausted by the time we got back to our chairs that I had to sit and rest a few minutes before I could walk out to the car.  We took showers and then I made chicken quesadillas for supper.  Just before John finished his last piece he got light-headed.  He checked his BP and it was fine.  He laid down a while and I finished getting ready for karaoke.  I left about 6:40, and he stayed back to rest some more.  He said he would most likely join me later.  I was the 2nd person to sing..."Could I Have This Dance", an Anne Murray song.  By the time John got there at about 7:30 the place was packed!!  It was just about standing room only.  It never got that way last year.  They must have heard I was coming! HA HA!!!  I only got to sing twice more..."Downtown" by Petula Clark and "I Have Confidence" from "the Sound of Music".
This is Ian, the British fella that runs the show.
He is a good singer, too!

I'm singing "Downtown" here.

  John left about 9:00 and I left at 9:50.  I had a few things to get around yet for my craft show tomorrow at Mixon's Fruit Farm and I will have to get up pretty early.  But we still played 2 games of 5 Crowns.  I beat John real bad...he had over 200 pts in the first game and I had 0.  The 2nd game was closer but I won.  We got to bed about 11:00.  BTW both our bellies were back to normal by the evening!
Here's our 90 sharks teeth, some sea glass and shell pieces.
Hope we never come across the shark :)

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