Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Glorious Day at the Beach and CG!

We had a relaxing day today.  John got up about 7:30, but I didn't roll out until about 8:30.  He cooked breakfast and then we went got ready to drive to Manatee Beach about 45 minutes from the CG.  Bonnie and the gang were already there.  It was a great day for the beach...high 70's and a slight breeze.  This beach doesn't have shells or sharks teeth, so I was able to catch up on my reading and use my social skills.  
The beach was packed today!

There were lots of people in the glistening water!

Bonnie was reading...Ken was "meditating"!

Melissa and Chuck were chillin' under the umbrella.

The snack bar is huge at Manatee.  They even have alcohol.
But there's a $500 fine if you take it on the beach!

The rest of the gang was planning to go to Sweet Tomatoes, a salad buffet, for a late lunch, but I hadn't slept very well last night, so we left about 2:00 so I could take a nap before supper and the Karaoke show tonight. I woke up about 5:20 and thought that I better double check to make sure the show starts at 7:00.  Well, guess started at 6:00!!!  I still had to shower and get ready, so, needless to say, we wouldn't have time for supper!  I did 3 songs by myself and 1 with Jim.  They all went well.  Bonnie and the gang came down to the CH to watch me sing, "I Cain't Say No!".  It was a fun evening. 

These 2 ran the Karaoke show.  Sugar is in the background.
I can't remember the guy's name :(

I'm singing "Could I Have This Dance" here.

This is the sister of the guy who ran the Karaoke. She was very good!
I can't remember her name either...what's up with that?? 

This is Ron.  He can impersonate famous singers.
I think he is almost a professional "karaokier"

You should already know what I'm singing here!!

Jim and I singing, "Island in the Stream"


Here I'm singing "Blue Bayou".

    We got back to Harvey about 9:15 and John started grilling pork spare ribs while I nuked potatoes and got some salads together.  We finally finished supper at 10:15!!  It sure was yummy!  John went to bed about 11:30 and I stayed up until after 12:00.  I turned the clocks ahead an hour and went to bed.


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