Friday, July 31, 2015

Beautiful Day for the Pool!

  John went for a walk after he got up this morning.  I slept in until almost 8:30!!  I must have been tired.  We had breakfast and then I made a phone call to Dr Rommel's office (dad's urologist) to figure out what to do about getting a stent put back in Dad.  I left a message.  I had also called yesterday, mixed the return call, but was told I would get a call back at the end of the day.  Didn't happen!  Then I called the nurses station on Dad's floor at Masonic Village to find out if his discharge orders from the hospital instructed him to make any follow up appts.   The nurse told me the urology office wanted to see him for a follow up after Aug 18.  We're all confused because of conflicting info and what we think is high priority to get a stent in Dad again.  Adding to the frustration is not getting a return phone call from Dr Rommel!  I called Bonnie to let her know what was going on.  Then about 11:00 we left for the pool.  It was a glorious, sunny day and the pool water was "just right!"  We drove back to Harvey to eat some lunch about 2:00 and then went back to the pool.  I did get a call from the urology office telling me that Dr Rommel was again informed that I needed to talk to him and that I should get a call this afternoon.  We'll see!  About 5:00 John challenged me to a round of miniature golf.  Actually he said, "Come on... I'm going to whoop you at a game of mini golf."................I beat him by 11 strokes!!  We went back to Harvey and decided to play some "Nerts" out on the picnic table.  Must be my day, because I whooped him again.  John grilled a steak for supper while I heated up some sides.  It all tasted very good and our bellies were full!  By now it was 8:30 and, guess what...I never got a call back from the urology office.  UGH!!  We were going to go to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard, but we talked ourselves out of it.  We watched TV and did some reading the rest of the evening.  Tomorrow morning we're getting Bennett and then Heather and Cooper will be joining us after all.  It should be a fun day!! 

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