Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Time to Go

  We got up and had a leisurely breakfast.  Remember how I was so paranoid the whole time about filling up the tanks because we had no sewer hook-up.  Well, we had been so good and careful that John encouraged me to shower IN Harvey because he was afraid there wasn't enough water in the grey tank to help clean out the black water hose.  Go figure!!  John got everything cleaned up and put away outside and I worked inside and we were ready to roll right around 10:00...the time we were supposed to check out.  We drove over to the dump station, John went through the routine, we hooked up the Jeep and we were out of there.  I told John I wouldn't care if we never stayed in a state park again.  I just don't like the stress of not having a sewer hook-up.  I guess I must not be a real camper... I'm a "glamper".  We went through Harrisburg to get home and had no problem at all.  We were home by 12:00.  Our next trip is the end of July all the way in Millersville at Circle M, about 25 minutes from home.  There's a really neat indoor water park there.  We'll have Bennett overnight one night and the girls overnight one night.  We probably won't get to see Cooper because Heather still has her foot in a cast.  Stay tuned!

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