Friday, July 17, 2015

Little Buffalo State Park, Here We Come!


  We picked up Harvey yesterday from the Moove-In storage in Manheim so we could load him up and start the fridge for our trip today.  We also had to put gas in Harvey... he was thirsty! 
WOW!!  Look at that...$.69 for a gallon of gas. 
John says I'm a genius getting $2.10 in gas points from Giant!
Not bad, huh, $17.46 for 25 gallons of gas!

We didn't get up super early this morning because we weren't in a big hurry to leave. Check-in is not until 3 pm.  We'll try to be on the road by 11:30 for the hour and 30 minute ride.  Even though it's a little longer, we're going to go thru Hershey instead of Harrisburg because of the traffic.  It was a bit harder to load this time because we're having family come to the park 2 of the 4 days.  I needed more supplies than normal.  But we were all packed up right on schedule and off we went.  We arrived at the CG right at 1:00 and had no problem finding our assigned site.  There was no gate to check in at... just drove into the CG and found your spot.  There was a tag hanging on a post with our name and the date of departure.  We could tell the site was a bit unlovely but had no idea just how much until we tried to level the rig!  It took us almost 1 & 1/2 hrs to get it right!!!  We were very proud of ourselves for not getting flustered and stressed.  (but you probably wouldn't have wanted to give us a gun at that point :). The CG was pretty empty when we got there, but by the time we were set-up it had gotten pretty full.  As a matter of fact, later that day it was completely full!  We were only one of 2 large motor homes.  Most were small 5th wheels, trailers and pop-ups.  Didn't really surprise us after trying to level Harvey.  There was also no sewer service (most State parks are like that).  There was a dump station but we weren't about to have to do that and then set-up again.  So, to say the least, I was pretty concerned and stressed about conserving water as to not overflow the grey water and black water tanks, especially with 2 families coming!!  We'll all just have to use the nearby bath house most of the time.  John finished setting up outside while I worked on the inside and made us a sandwich. Shortly after we were done, TW, Arlena, and Bennett arrived.  TW and Arlena are staying in a cabin just outside the CG while Bennett will be staying in Harvey with us.  I walked over to the cabin with them and we found it to be "bare bones" with a table and 4 chairs and 2 bunk beds (one with a full size bed on the bottom).  There was a ceiling fan in the bedroom but I had told them to bring a fan along.  It was rustic, but adequate for 1 night's stay.  About 4:00 we got our bathing suits on and drove to the pool that's across the main road to the CG and behind the lake.  It really is too far to walk and it would be all up hill on the way back.  You have to pay to get in...reg rates are $6 for adults, $5 for children and Seniors over 62, and kids under 42 inches are free.  If you are camping there it's $4.  The rates drop after 4:00 and it's free after 6:00.  The pool is quite large and has 2 sizes of water slides, several "mushrooms", and about a dozen different water fountains.  It's really neat!
The dumping buckets on the left and
the mushrooms on the right.

The fountains and showers were very fun!

  It was a bit overcast and the water was pretty cold, so we stayed just long enough to try to get our money's worth.  John, Arlena, and Bennett braved the water... Grandpa even went down the BIG waterslide.  I got in to my ankles and TW didn't get in at all, but we had fun!
There's Grandpa on the big slide.

There he goes!

There he comes!

Bennett loves to swim!




Bennett had lots of fun with Grandpa running
through the fountains!

Bennett jumped right in himself, too!

Daddy (TW) liked watching from the sidelines...

...and Mommy (Arlena) snuggling with her chilled little guy.
  When we got back it was supper time.  I brought a big dish of mac and cheese from home. So while that was baking, John grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and TW started a campfire.  After supper we played team "Up and Down the River" (the women won) and then toasted marshmallows and made "s'mores".  They are always so yummy!!
Bennett enjoying his new "favorite" light-up cup.

  TW and Arlena left for their cabin about 10:00 and we got Bennett ready for bed.  We put in a CD for him but I messed it up trying to make it play (John was showering at the bath house).  He looked tired anyway, so I told him it was time to go to sleep.  He fell asleep just minutes after his head hit the pillow!  John and I watched a little TV in bed then he read while I played Word Twist on our surface.  We turned out the lights about 11:30 or 12:00.  We have another busy day tomorrow when Dustin, Cathy and the girls join us after lunch.  We're so excited!!

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