Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dustin, Cathy, and the Girls Joined Us Today!

John got up about 7:30 and Bennett and I got up about 8:00.  TW and Arlena joined us shortly after that.  John stirred up his famous chocolate chip/banana and blueberry pancakes and fried some bacon.  He tried to use the griddle from the gas grill, but that failed miserably, so he just cooked them in a frying pan as usual.  They were delicious!  We all played cards again (yes, Bennett helped, too) and then changed into our bathing suits.  I made sandwiches and packed up some chips and fruit for everyone to eat later outside the pool.  We decided to let the cooler in Harvey and get it later because it was very hot outside... in the high 80's!  We got to the pool about 11:30 and it wasn't too full.  But by 1:00 it was packed.  There must have been 400 people just IN the pool!  But we still had a great time in the pool and playing in the water park area.
Grandma and Bennett getting ready to run through the mushroom.

It was amazing how strong the wall of water was when
you went through...I was pretty water logged!!

I tried to convince Bennett to stand under the "dumping
bucket" with me, but he wanted no part of it.

Here it comes!

Grandma got dumped on!!

Bennett was all the pool with his "water wings".
  Dustin called to let us know they would be there about 2:00.  So John went back to Harvey to pick up the cooler and we all ate on a table in the picnic grove when he got back.  John went back into the pool and Dustin and crew arrived shortly after.  The rest of us joined them about 15 minutes later.  We all got in the pool and had a wonderful time.  It was fun to watch the girls swim all over and play chase with "Grandma the shark", and Bennett jumping into the waiting arms of mommy.
Look out, mommy!!

There she goes!

Bennett jumping in... looks like he has 2 sets of arms :)
  I went on the small slide with Emma.  Then Dustin and Cathy persuaded me to try the big slide.  The line was a bit long and by the time we got close they closed the pool for a "safety check", so we had to climb down.  I must admit that I was kind of relieved because I was a bit scared to go down!
I'm not sure what Dustin and Cathy were doing here!

Do I LOOK scared?!?!?

Emma and Ellie waiting to get back into the pool.

  TW, Arlena and Bennett decided to leave because they had to be in Mt Gretna for a musical show, The Little Mermaid at 7:00.  (It was a surprise for Arlena).  Just after they left an announcement came over the PA system that the pool would be closed for another 40 minutes due to "water quality" issues...SOMEONE HAD POOPED IN THE POOL!!  So we decided to leave, too.  Dustin and Cathy went over to check out the cabin and the rest of us changed and hung up all our wet stuff outside.  The girls played with a little gun that shoots flat, foam doughnuts while the adults played Catch Phrase outside Harvey.  We were getting hungry, so the men stayed outside to crank up the grill the girls all went inside.  We all snuck a half a doughnut that TW and Arlena had brought from Maple Doughnuts in York.  SHHH!  It was our little secret!  John and Dustin cooked chicken and hot dogs on the grill and I heated up mac and cheese and corn on the cob.  Cathy and Emma went outside, but Ellie stayed with me.  She was such a good little helper!!  Supper was very yummy!!  Then we started a fire so we could have s'mores later.  The adults played Tip of the Tongue and Phase Ten and the girls played with their gun again.  When it got too dark to see the cards we toasted marshmallows and made s'mores.
Cathy looks like a pro with that fork.  She also
looks very eager to eat the finished product!!

Emma is sure enjoying her s'more.
  One can tell by the way it's all her face... that is
the right way to eat it!!
  Dustin and Cathy left for their cabin about 10:00 and we all went in Harvey to get ready for bed.  We put a DVD in for the girls and we watched TV in our bedroom.
Kylie was enjoying the movie, too.

"Finding Nemo" still had their attention!
  They were still awake at 11:30, so we stopped the movie and all went to sleep.  It was another wonderful day!!  

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