Monday, July 13, 2015

A Good Day With Family at the Pool and Jigger Shop

We got up about 7:30, John went for a walk, and I worked on my blog.  Michele, Alexandra, Arlena, and Bennett are coming about 11:00 today.  Todd, Alexandra's boyfriend, was supposed to come too, but he had to work.   They had breakfast on the way, so we decided to get ready and go to the pool and have an early supper later.  We spent about 3 hrs there, leaving to go back to Harvey about 2:30.
Mommy Arlena snuggling' with Bennett
(I think he was cold!) and Grandpa John looking on.
Bennett going down the slide in the playground area.
Bennett had a great time in the "baby" pool
without his floaties!
Michele and Alexandra spending some rare
relaxation time together.

Bennett loved to get all wet and then come
and give everyone a big, wet hug!
  We all changed out of our wet suits and played a game of ladder golf while John got the grill ready to heat up leftovers from last night's Small Group get together.  We had time to play one more game of ladder golf after supper before leaving for the Jigger Shop in Mt Gretna to get some ice cream for dessert.  Michele and I shared a hot fudge sundae with malt, Jo hn had a dish of ice cream, Alexandra had a bananas foster flambe' sundae and Arlena and Bennett shared their first "Jigger".  We were all very full to say the least!  They all left from there because they had to be home by 6:00.
Our tummies are full... we are happy!!
  When we got back to the CG we decided to check and see what Bonnie and Ken were up to.  They were outside Waldo playing Skip-O at there picnic table.  We joined them and Ken mixed me an amaretto and Coke while John went to over to Harvey for some beers.  When he got back we played a game of Skip-O which the women won.  They had to eat supper, so we invited them over to Harvey after they were done.  They came about 7:30 and we played a game of team Up and Down the River.  The men won this time.  Bonnie and Ken aren't leaving until Wed morning and since we are leaving tomorrow morning we said our goodbyes and they left about 10:30.  (Bonnie did try to talk us into staying another night, but because of an unfavorable weather forecast for tomorrow and the fact that we are leaving for Little Buffalo State Park on Friday, we thought it best to leave as planned.) 
Not sure if Bonnie was praying for a good hand
or saying, "Let me tell you how it is."

Ken already ate his piece of banana cake...
now he was after Bonnie's. 
He didn't give up easily!!

John went to bed and I stayed up to catch up on my blog.  I took the dog out and it had started to drizzle, so I decided to tear down some things outside so they weren't wet in the morning.  According to John in the morning...I was a genius!!  (sometimes it's hard to be humble). I got to bed about 1:00.  It was a wonderful day!

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