Friday, July 10, 2015

Thousand Trails Hershey...Here We Come!

John got up about 6:30 and I got up at 7:00 so we could have breakfast, finish loading up Harvey, and leave for the CG at 9:00.  We accomplished our goal and arrived there by 9:45.  I drove the Jeep separately since the CG was so close.  I had called Bonnie on the way to find out where there site is and if there was any available close to theirs.  She said there were so we drove around and looked at all the available sites.  We need one that has an area to play some lawn games because our Small Group from church is coming on Sunday afternoon.  We found a nice at the bottom of the hill from Bonnie and Ken...B-54.  The only problem with it is we get all the afternoon sun.  John pulled him in and we got him leveled and set up by 12:00.  Bonnie called to ask if we wanted to go for a bike ride on the rail trail.  They came down at 1:00 and off we went to the parking lot by the Twin Kiss in Colebrook.  We headed toward Lebanon but my hips just weren't strong enough to tackle the slightly uphill trail for more than about an hour.  So John and I turned around and went back to the parking lot.  It was so nice to go downhill!  Bonnie and Ken continued on.  Turns out we rode a total of 6 miles!  So I didn't feel so bad about wimping out after all.  (We took some pics, but I can't seem to find them since I downloaded them:(   We went to Lebanon to Mussers Market to get some hamburger and rolls for supper.  We also stopped at a local farm to pick up a half dozen ears of corn.  John grilled the burgers while I cooked the corn and we had a delicious meal.  We were done by 6:00 and I called Bonnie to see if she and Ken wanted to come down and play some cards.  They said they would come down after they ate, so John and I went for a walk while waiting for them to arrive.  We had a nice conversation with a gentleman who has a 35K Bounder just like ours.  Then we headed back so we didn't miss Bonnie and Ken.  They came down about 7:30.  We talked a while and then played Racko.  Ken won, even though he has never played the game!  It was getting pretty dark so we went inside and played Pinocle.  The women creamed the men!!  The last hand I had one card short of a double run, and Bonnie passed me what I needed for double pinochle!  The guys surrendered.
WOW!!!  What a hand...49 meld points!! 
No wonder the guys gave up!
  They left about 10:30 because they needed to get up early tomorrow morning.  They will be gone all day.  John sat outside with his Miller Lite and watched TV while I worked on my blog inside.  When he came in at 11:30 the floor of Harvey seemed to have gotten a bit unlevel. ;).  He went to bed while I finished the blog.  I finally turned in about 1:30.

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