Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Disappointing Game for Redland!

   John had a really bad night... he was up at least 4 times during the night!  Usually I can sleep right through it, but not last night...I was up, too.  So we both slept in until 9:00.  We had muffins for breakfast that we brought home from The Phoenix Restaurant yesterday.  I took a shower and "fixed" myself up... that took a while :).  John asked if I would mind if we went shopping... he needed to get out.  I thought about it for 2 seconds and decided to make the sacrifice because of how much I love him.  Besides, we aren't able to watch the Little League game on our TV here in the CG, so we thought we could grab a late lunch at a sports bar and watch the game there.  Yesterday, near the clinic, there was a Vanity Fair/Lee/Bass Outlet.  I asked if we could go there. And, low and behold there was a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant near there, also.  We now had a plan.  So we left about 11:30, shopped at the outlet for a couple of hours, and then went to BWW.  John seemed to be feeling better.  We got there about 2:15, ate, and watched the whole game.  Unfortunately, Redland lost the game to Japan, 18-11.  John was starting to feel crappy again.  We left BWW at 5:30, gassed up the Jeep and came back to the CG.  We sat outside for a while but the bugs started biting.  We came in and watched TV and talked about our plans for leaving tomorrow morning.  We hope to be packed up and on the road by 10 or so to make the hour trip to the Newport Naval Base in Rhode Island.  We're only staying one night, but that does qualify for a sticker on our map :).  We were in bed by 10:00.

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