Saturday, August 29, 2015

Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News

   We packed up the Jeep for the beach and headed out by 8:25.  We didn't eat breakfast figuring we would stop somewhere after seeing the doctor.  First stop, the Hawthorne walk-in clinic near New Bedford.  We got there about 9:00 and after some paperwork we were back in a room by 9:45.  We saw the doctor at 10:15 and by 10:30 we were waiting on blood test and chest x-ray results.  She called him back in a room at 11:15 to let him know his blood work was normal but there was a "shadow" in his left lung.  There was no radiologist there to read it, so from what she saw she called in a script for antibiotics to a local CVS.  Our family doctor had seen that shadow before on one of John's x-rays and suspected scar tissue from a previous pneumonia, so we're not too concerned about it.  Hopefully, the antibiotic will kick in soon and he'll be feeling better in a day or two.  Next stop, the Phoenix Restaurant, just down the road from the clinic.  Breakfast was good, nothing special, but we were so hungry even mediocre food would have tasted good!    We really didn't have enough time to spend at the beach and since we wanted to watch the Little League game at 3:30, we picked up the script and came back to Harvey.  Just before entering the CG there is a cranberry bog, so we stopped there to take a peek and some pictures.  These bogs are all over the place.  Seems every open field is a bog.  You can tell because the bogs are recessed with a "moat" around them.  Apparently the cranberries grow on these dense bushes that look more like shrubs.

Here's what the field or bog looks like.
Here are some close-ups
You can see just how recessed they are!

  When they ripen in October the farmers flood the bog and use a vibrating threshing machine that causes the cranberries to float to the top.  They are then harvested with huge mechanically operated scoops.  There are several varieties.  When you buy a bag of cranberries and some are lighter than others, it's not that they haven't ripened yet, it's probably a different variety that got mixed in with the others.  When we got back to Harvey John took a nap while I worked on my blog.  When he got up we packed some snacks and went down to the Members Lounge to watch PA play Texas again in the Little League American final.  It was another nail biter... they won in the bottom of the 6th inning 3-2.  They play Japan for the championship tomorrow at 3:00.  We got back about 6:00 and John took another nap... he was feeling even worse.  Maybe he has to get worse in order to get better.  Let's hope it works that way!!  When John got up he still didn't feel very well.  So instead of having him grill ribs, I cooked supper inside.  We'll lay low again tonight and most likely turn in pretty early.  We hope to get to the beach tomorrow...our last day here.

1 comment:

  1. Hope John feels better soon. We are sitting at the Little League stadium watching Mexico and Texas. These games have been so exciting. Anxious to watch Redland beat Japan, but it will be a close one. Be safe. Your sis
