Monday, August 3, 2015

Relaxing Day at the CG!

 Yesterday must have worn me out more than I thought because I didn't crawl out of bed until 9:15!!  I must be getting old.  John, coming in from his walk, woke me up.  I haven't slept that late for a long time!  I had breakfast (John had his much earlier) and we changed into our bathing suits.  I got a call from one of Dad's nurses that she couldn't get a follow up apt his urologist until Sept 8th.  She wanted to check with me to make sure that was OK.  That seemed too long to me, and, besides, I still hadn't heard from Dr. Rommel so the stent insertion seemed more important to me than the follow up which Dad may not even need.  It was soooo frustrating not knowing what the right thing was to do!!  So I called Dr. Rommel's office AGAIN to try to straighten things out.  I ended up leaving another message for Dr. Rommel.  We walked down to the pool about 11:00.  I checked right away with the lifeguard to see if they found my bracelet.  She didn't have it, so she called over to the indoor pool and they had one.  Hopefully, it was mine.  I walked over and it WAS mine.  Unfortunately, it had broken, but at least I found it and I'm sure it can be repaired!  I made several more calls to Dr. Rommel's office and talked with a phone nurse who finally gave me an appt. for this Friday, basically just so I would get a chance to talk to Dr. Rommel!!  I called Mom and Bonnie to let them know.  We stayed at the pool till about 4:00.  It was another gorgeous day to read, swim, and get some more sun.  We went back to Harvey to shower and get ready to go out for some supper.  We went to Jack's near Millersville University.  It was very good.  The plate of French fries was huge!  We drove around the campus for a bit for John to reminisce.  I can't believe it's 6 yrs already since John graduated from there!  We stopped at John Herr's Shurfine Market for a few things (and extra doggie doo bags) and then back to Harvey.  We played a game of "Nine Hole Golf" (which I just barely won) and then "Toss 'Em" (which I, again, barely won).  We watched some TV and I worked on my blog.  John went to bed but I stayed up till about 2:00 plugging away at my blog.  All of a sudden I lost the whole thing!  Then it started to rain and thunder and lightning, so I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep.  I got up and read for an hour and then went back to bed.

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