Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Another Delightful Day at Circle M CG!

  John got up about 7:30 and started breakfast.  The girls and I didn't rouse until about 8:00.  Ellie got herself dressed right away while Emma and I lounged in our pj's.  We decided to have our blueberry pancakes and bacon out on the picnic table, so Emma and I were forced to get dressed, darn it!  The girls helped me set the table and then we all enjoyed Grandpa's breakfast.  He loves to cook breakfast and I really appreciate it as did the girls!!  We cleaned up the dishes, brushed our "toophers" and changed into our bathing suits. We were at the pool by about 10:45, did some swimming, and by 11:45, Dustin and Cathy arrived.  They took the girls over to the water park while John and I stayed by the outdoor pool and did some reading.  When they came back over we all got into the pool and swam for another hour or so. 
Emma is getting ready to push off Grandpa and doggie paddle
across the pool to Daddy's waiting arms.  This is the first
time she has tried it without her "floatie". 
Look at her go!
Yay... she made it!!
Daddy adores her!
Mommy's turn to provide the push off.
Wow... Daddy threw Emma "to the sky" as
Bennett would say.
They needed to leave to get back for Emma's visit with her father.  We said our good-byes and they left about 1:00.  We had a really good time with the girls and their Mommy and Daddy.  We are so fortunate to have all of our grandchildren fairly close by so we can include them in our RVing adventure!!  John and I stayed at the pool until about 4:00.  On the way back to Harvey one of our "neighbors" had a big pot of something cooking on a tripod over his campfire.  I jokingly said, "what's for supper"?  He said he had chili cooking.  Wouldn't you know it, about 15 minutes later he came over and invited us for supper.  He said a bunch of the neighbors we also coming and we were more than welcome.  That is one of the things we like best about camping... everyone is so friendly!  We were planning on grilling some steaks and corn on the cob that we bought earlier in the week, so we cooked them and took them along over.  We ate a t 5:30.  It was a delightful evening, meeting new people, eating delicious chili, and playing corn hole (bean bag toss).  One of the guys even made homemade ice cream!  We stayed until about 9:00 and then headed back over to Harvey.  John cleaned up some things outside to ready for our departure in the morning while I cut all the leftover corn off the cob and froze it.  We watched some TV and then went to bed.  We were so glad we decided to stay another day! 

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