Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Emma and Ellie are Coming Today

   My phone woke me up at 8:15 this morning, but I missed the call.  Darn it... it was from Dr. Rommel's office.  I assumed he was calling me, so I called back in and told the operator that I just missed his call.  I ended up talking with his physician's assistant who said the Dr. would call me when he was done with the patient he was with.  I saw I had a voicemail message and it was from Dr. Rommel's surgery scheduler, Erma, not Dr. Rommel!  So I called her back right away.  She wanted to know if I had heard from the doctor yet.  When I told her I hadn't, she said that he told her that Dad needs a nephrostomy tube inserted into his kidney through his back before he can put a stent back in.  She would schedule it and get back to me.  OK...finally some progress!!!  We had some breakfast and then John did some of his chores outside while I got dressed and ready to go to the corn wagon to pick up some corn for supper.  It was packed with people!!  There were 3 large wagons full of freshly pulled corn... some bi-color and some white.  They sell it for 13 ears for $2, so I got half bi-color and half white.  On the way back to the CG we discussed staying another day.  We were planning to leave on Wednesday morning and taking the girls home to our house in Harvey.  But we're having such a good time and the weather is to continue to be perfect, so what the heck... we're staying until
Thursday morning.  When we got back to the CG we decided to play the "bully" miniature golf game.  John beat me by 1 stroke!  Then we played some shuffleboard, but I had to stop.  It hurt my back because the courts weren't fast enough and I just couldn't get enough power behind my shots.  We played some pinball in the arcade and then went back to Harvey, got into our bathing suits and walked down to the pool.  Dustin and Cathy dropped the girls off about 1:30.  We chatted a while about their trip to Disney World (they just got back yesterday) and then Dustin and Cathy left.  Since we decided to stay an extra day they are going to join us for a couple of hours tomorrow when they pick up the girls.  The four of us got into the pool and swam for about an hour.  Then we went over to the water park/indoor pool.  The girls had a ball! Ellie especially liked the sliding board and Emma had fun with the floating wagon wheels and cargo net.  She was a pro at that.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of that because the battery ran out of power :(.  She and Grandpa went down the big slide several times, too!  We were there for about an hour then we got into the indoor pool for about a half hour. 
Look out, Emma, Grandpa's going to dunk you!
Emma and Ellie adore each other.  Big sis is always
there to help!
Grandpa got a good throw in!

Emma is getting big for this slide!

Ellie is all smiles coming out of the tube!

She loved the pirate ship...

...and the sliding board!!

The proud Grandpa (Ellie apparently didn't want her picture taken)!
As we were leaving I got a call from Erma at Dr. Rommel's office.  Dad has an out-patient appt. with interventional radiology at the hospital on Monday.  YAY!!!!  At a later date the stent will be put back in.  I hope that appt. doesn't cause as much consternation as this one did!  We headed back to Harvey, got dressed, and I started supper.  I made pizzas on stone baked Naan bread and corn on the cob.  We ate out on the picnic table.  We all enjoyed it very much.  John started a fire and about an hour later we were toasting marshmallows and making s'mores.  Emma had 2 plus some chocolate!!  By this time it was about 10:00, so we all got ready for bed.  It didn't take very long before the girls were "out".  John and I read a while in bed and then went nitey night, too. 

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