Tuesday, August 25, 2015

An "iffy" Day Turned Out to be Beautiful!

   John didn't get a very good night's sleep.  He didn't feel quite "right" when he went to bed... had a dry cough that felt like it was going into his chest.  He woke up about 1:30 and got up a while and watched TV.  Went back to bed and woke up at 6:30 and couldn't get back to sleep.  I, on the other hand, slept in until almost 9:00!!  John was just getting back from his walk when I got up.
A "sea" of pines!
Boat launch area... looks so peaceful, doesn't it!
Anybody want to go swimming...YIKES!!
Looks like it goes on forever, doesn't it!
This is a sign in the men's bathroom above the urinal.
The small print at the bottom says, "Please help to keep the floor dry."
I haven't been in the Women's yet... might have to check it out!
  We had breakfast and then decided to go to Onset Beach about 20 minutes from the CG.  It was small, but very nice.  There were lots of big boats anchored just beyond the swimming area.  The water was warm and clear, but not good for shell collecting.  We'll probably go back there again. 

Nice beach!
Closer look at the boats... and notice the puffy clouds!

The other end of the beach

The water was so clear and warm

Some neat houses along the road next to the beach

Is this Plymouth Rock??
We left at 3:00 and went back to Harvey to shower and get ready to go out to eat.  John's feeling a little better, but still has the cough.  We went to Lindsey's Family Restaurant in Buzzard's Bay (we saw it in an ad in the local newspaper).  It was fabulous!!  I had their famous seafood chowder and John had their equally famous clam chowder.  They were both scrumptious!  My soup had a whole crab claw piece of meat in it!  We shared onion rings that were thin, crispy and yummy and an order of lobster mac and cheese.

No words can describe how good this
Lobster mac and cheese was!
  Boy, was that good!  It was so full of big pieces of lobster that you could hardly have more than one macaroni with each hunk.  We could only eat a third of it.  Can't wait to eat it again another day.  We left the restaurant and drove about 5 miles down the road to the Cape Cod Canal.  We hoped to get pix of the sunset, but there were too many clouds.  The canal is a 6.5 mile waterway that connects many of the "finger-type" land areas along the coast of Cape Cod.  It was very pretty!  We stayed just long enough to get a few pictures and then headed back to the CG about 8:00.
This is an elevated railroad track. The middle accommodates
tall boats and is only lowered when a train uses it.

A beautiful large house across the canal.

Close up of the house.

Wish the sails would have been out!

Is this Plymouth Rock??
  We watched TV while I worked on the blog and John played on his tablet.  John turned in about 10:00 and I went to bed after finishing the blog at 11:15.  It was a GOOD day!!  The rest of the week is supposed to be gorgeous...YIPPEE!!And, by the way, we earned another state on our "camping across America" map. 
Doesn't look too impressive, but for just a year and a half, it's not bad!


  1. So beautiful! I hope John is feeling better today. Continue to enjoy the area. We are on the road expecting to arrive at our campground in about 45 minutes. Looking forward to the game with Redland tonight at 8. Should be fun exclamation

  2. Added a few more pics to the blog since you looked at it, I think. Looks so much like Sea Pines! Have fun in Williamsport with Chuck and Melissa. Say "Hi" to them for us. We'll look for you!!
