Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2nd Week in Pompano Beach

   Friday morning we woke up to strong winds and heavy rain, and a TORNADO WATCH.  Luckily, it passed over us pretty quickly.

It was still pretty threatening looking even
after the tornado watch was lifted!
Looks like this building is sitting in the clouds!
  Mom called to see how we were all doing.  Her room is being renovated so she will be moving out next Thursday.  Michele was very sore and was experiencing a lot more pain.  She had tried to cut back on her pain meds, but now we realized that was probably a mistake.  She felt better that evening after upping her meds, but the narcotics were causing "bathroom issues"!  I felt so sorry for her!!  We discussed eating a higher fiber diet and increasing her meds for that problem and hopefully getting results.
The clouds were still heavy that night.  That's the
moon sand an airplane underneath.

Saturday was beautiful...sunny and in the mid 70's.  Michele was feeling pretty good and wanted to go to the beach.  We literally packed one of her large suitcases with all the pillows she would need to be comfortable on a lounge chair and drug it down across the beach.  It was a tough go!  We  got there about 11:45. Michele rented a covered lounger and we were finally settled in about 12:15.
AHHH...all comfy and cozy and taking in some rays!
 There was a Footvolley tournament going on on the beach.  The 2 man teams could hit the volleyball with anything EXCEPT their hands!  There was one move called a "shark attack" where the player jumped up off the ground and kicked it over the net while falling to the ground.  It was crazy!!
The guy in the middle just got done kicking the ball.
The 2nd guy in is just getting ready to hit the ball with his chest.
The guy on the right just hit the ball with his chest.
This gal danced to the blaring music
on a small stage to the left of the court the
whole day.  The players didn't seem to be the
least bit distracted by the music or the dancing gal!
  John joined us for about 2 hours and then left.  Michele laid on her lounger chair for a while and then we took our chairs down by the beach for an hour or so. 
The beach was packed!

Michele was just chillin'

The pier was full of people, too!
We didn't leave the beach until about 5:00.  I got a shower and then we walked about a half block down the street to get homemade ice cream.  Man, it was good!
Michel got all "dolled" up to go for ice cream.
She sure looks good for all she's gone through!

Sunday was very windy...leftover from tornadoes that had touched down on the Gulf Coast.  I called Bonnie to make sure she and Ken were OK.  It had hit fairly close to where they were staying.  As a matter of fact the sirens went off in their park at 4:00 that morning.  Fortunately, they were all right!  Michele continues to have "bathroom issues".  John came over and we all played 5 Crowns.  John won, but it wasn't really fair, because Michele is on drugs!!   After John left I went to Walmart for some groceries.  And later that evening we had to re-pad under Michele's compression garment.  She had a good day.
On Monday I made a late bacon and egg breakfast and then we drove to Hollywood again to meet the doctor for a new prescription.  From there we went to the CG where John was staying and had a cook-out.  We played 5 Crowns again and I finally won.  We left the CG about 6:00 and stopped at CVS to fill the script.  While we waited we went across the street to Marshalls and shopped for about an hour and a half.  When we got home we talked until about 2:00am!! 
We got up late Tuesday morning I did the last of the laundry.  I put a roast and veggies in the oven and the we left for the Ft Lauderdale airport at 1:30 to pick up Emily, an employee of Michele's who is going to take over for me the last 2 weeks of Michele's recovery.  John joined us at the condo and we had an early supper.  Michele showered so we could show Emily how to put her back together.  We said our good-byes and, of course, I forgot and hugged Michele a little too hard.  We finally left about 8:00pm to head over to Harvey.  I loved that I could be there with Michele to help, but I must admit it was a relief to be done...it was a lot more physically challenging that I had anticipated.  But, again, it was where I needed to be and I am so glad I was able to help.  Only a mother could have been so "up close and personal" those 1st 2 weeks and I know she greatly appreciated it.  (except for some of my "dingbat" moments :)!
John was certainly ready for my company.  He sure didn't have any at the CG...everyone was so unfriendly!  We now know never to return to that park!!
We played a game of 5 Crowns...John won.  Then he went outside to work on all the preps for tomorrow's departure.  I worked inside.  Mom called again to check on us and we were in bed by 10:30.  We plan on leaving by 8:30 tomorrow morning.
This is the CG in Pompano Beach where John stayed.
It looked nice enough when we got there, but didn't
prove to live up to our expectations!!

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