Thursday, January 28, 2016

It's Still Raining!!

  It was a pretty uneventful day least until the end of the day, but I'll explain that later.  John slept in until almost 8:30 which is rare for him, and I didn't wake up until 10:00!!  I put earplugs in last night so I wouldn't hear the rain on the roof of Harvey.  Guess it worked, huh?!?  We had breakfast and then I showered while John took a walk during a short time that the rain stopped.  Because of all the rain, I decided to work on my pins today.
  There's a craft show here on the 6th that Bonnie and I are participating in as we did last year.  I got all set up at the table and John settled in on the passenger seat of Harvey and read his book.  Then I got a call from Sandi, the co-ordinator of the craft show.  She said that because of all the flooding the craft show was being postponed until the first Saturday in March.  Not only will Bonnie and I not be here, but we are participating in another show at Mixon's Fruit Farm that day.  I was disappointed, but certainly understood.  It won't dry out in time for the outside stands and parking would also be a problem.  Some of the people here have water inside their homes and several of the roads are flooded.  Tomorrow they are having some of the water in the lake pumped out!   I finished my pins in time to get ready for supper.  John grilled boneless pork ribs while I cooked corn and made a salad.  It was really windy outside and still pouring, but John got the job done.  It was delicious!  Then we went down to BINGO at the Front Clubhouse.  I told John I felt lucky tonight.  Well, Holy Cow...I won 3 times including the cover all.  I raked in $50 and only spent $6!!  How's that for a nice profit.  And John won a lucky number drawing a got a roll of paper towels.  It was a good night.  We got back about 9:00, played 2 games of 5 Crowns...Johns creamed me again, and then we went to bed.  Gotta get up early tomorrow for breakfast down at the clubhouse and then I have to be at the chiropractor's office by 9:00.  Bonnie recommended this guy because a friend of hers used him and was very pleased.  I hope I get some relief, too!!  BTW...we got between 6 & 7 inches of rain since Tuesday.  The weatherman said today that the average rainfall for January is 1.94 inches.  So far this year they have had almost 13!!
These 2 pics from in front of the clubhouse.  You
can see why they don't think it will dry out in time
for the craft show next Saturday!
This is across from the clubhouse that they use for
overflow parking for the show...don't think so!! 
This is a canal along the entrance to the CG.  It
is usually almost dry!
This is 2 roads behind us.
Some people are still smiling amidst it clever!
The rest of the pictures are of the pond overflowing...
right into some of the permanent homes!
This is where they are going to pump water out.

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