Saturday, January 2, 2016

Finally Some Sunshine at Camp Lejeune

   We woke up about 8:00 and the sun was shining!!  But the temp was in the low 40's.  No wonder my nose was cold!!  John made some egg sandwiches for breakfast and then we got ready to go to the MCX before we go to the bowling alley/sports bar on base to watch the Penn St/Georgia football game.  John needs some reading glasses.  We left about 10:45.
I decided to purchase a new scent.  Of course, I
had to smell it first!! 
  After shopping we headed for the bowling alley but had trouble finding it.  We got directions and arrived about 11:15 and, guess what,  it was closed!!  Holiday hours had changed to a 1:00 opening instead of 11:00 :(  We just keep having trouble not only finding places but finding them open!!!  UGH!  So we decided to go back to the Carolina Ale House to watch the game.  With our luck it probably burnt down overnight!  Nope, it was still there, but the game was horrible.  Penn State couldn't do anything right.  And then in the 2nd quarter the quarterback got hurt and was out of the game.  A true freshman took over.  The score was 17-3 at the half.  When Georgia scored early in the 2nd half we couldn't take anymore, so we left. 

We stopped at Hobby Lobby to get magnets for my pins.  The lines were incredibly long, I guess, because all the Christmas stuff was 80% off.  there was a guy in line in front of me that had an Ohio State sweatshirt on, so we chatted a bit and told him how bad the game was.  He checked the score and almost unbelievably it was 17-24 and Penn State had the ball at he Georgia 39.  But it wasn't meant to be and the clock ran out before they had a chance to score.  We then picked up a few things at Walmart including an extra blanket for the bed.  It's supposed to get into the 20's tonight!  We got back about 4:15, so I decided to go to the beach to satisfy my shark tooth addiction.  John stayed back and did some reading.  I didn't find very many teeth but I was glad to be there because of the gorgeous sky!
These pictures speak for themselves!!
This is a view looking back towards the CG

This is a row of cabanas on the beach, but they
are not in use at this time because of storm damage.

Notice how the pink from the sky is reflected on the sand.

These are more cabins on the beach that are in use.

How about that big one...I can thank the Asian
woman for that one!
How pretty is that?!?!?!

  Then an Asian woman struck up a conversation with me and when she found out I was divorced she took my elbow and asked if I would walk with her so she could talk with me about her divorce.  I was barefooted and my feet and hands were freezing but I walked with her for about 20 minutes.  It was kind of weird and I was getting pretty far from my car and it was getting dark, so I told her I had to go.  I still don't understand everything she was telling me and why...but I did find a pretty big sharks tooth on the way.  I got back to Harvey (and John) about 6:00.  While nuking some frozen chicken pies the glass tray in the microwave split right in half.  What's up with that?!?  Guess we'll have to order a new one.
Rut Rho!!
  After supper we played 5 Crowns and John whipped me twice but then decided to play one more game...winner takes all.  Yea...I whipped him.  But it still doesn't seem right with the way he beat me earlier. Then I worked on my blog while John watched some TV and played on his tablet.  We'll probably go to bed pretty early because I would like to get down to the beach tomorrow just after sunrise.


  1. Yeah,'re going to get up that early?? I'll be waiting to see if THAT happened!!
    By the way, nice pictures!

  2. Yeah,'re going to get up that early?? I'll be waiting to see if THAT happened!!
    By the way, nice pictures!

  3. Nah...didn't happen. I was actually awake, but it was too warm and cozy in bed and it was too darn cold outside!! Yeah, that sunset/sky was absolutely beautiful!! when are you guys coming to Florida?

    1. Are you messing with me as in when are we going to be able to be Snowbirds??? If so, not soon enough!!
      But we will be down the middle of Feb.
      (Hopefully this won't post twice like my previous one!)

    2. No, wasn't messing with you. Just wondered if you and Fred were going to visit sometime this winter. Good...hopefully we'll get to see you!!
