Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!

   I didn't wake up until almost 9:00!  It was still had rained all night.  and it was a bit the low 60's.  John was already up.  We had breakfast, I worked on my blog, and John re-organized the storage areas under Harvey.  He did a really good job making more room!  I talked with Alexandra for a while.  She and Todd had a fun New Years at a friend's house along with 2 other couples.  Then we cleaned all the fans in Harvey.  John grilled hamburgers for lunch and then I went down to the beach to get my shark teeth fix.  The rain had stopped but I had to wear capris and a sweatshirt to be comfortably warm.  John came down later to fly his froggy kite and look for teeth.


It was a great day for kite flying!

Despite the overcast conditions, it was
beautiful on the beach!

The ocean was a bit more "lively" today.

  They were all over the beach today.  I found about 200 of them in 2 and a half hours!
Here I am in my favorite position while searching for teeth!

I did good, huh!?!  John found the olive
shell in the top right corner.  There is some
sea glass in the upper left and a shell
that looks like a button!
  By 4:30 John left and I followed about a half hour later because I was cold.  We decided to have pizza for supper, so we ordered from Pizza Hut and John picked it up.  It was yummy...really hit the spot!  I called Mom after supper.  All is well at Masonic except for Dad's ostomy bag leaking all the time.  I feel so bad for him that he has to put up with that all the time.  He just takes it all in stride...he's quite a guy!!  Then John and I played 5 Crowns.  We both won a game and then he won the "bully".  John went to bed and I worked on the blog.  I finished up about 12:00 and went to bed, too.

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