Monday, January 25, 2016

Maybe, Just Maybe, a Pool Day Today!?!

  We woke up today to SUNSHINE!!  Forecast is partly sunny, 68 degrees.  Guess what we're doing today?!?  Alexandra called for my poppy seed dressing.  Wow, she getting domestic!  We had some breakfast and then I headed to the chiropractor.  Boy oh boy, does he ever get my neck and back crackin'!!  My sciatica is better, but now my left hip hurts.  John is about ready to put a sign out front..."White, married, female from to good home".  Before we put on our bathing suits and left for the pool John texted Dustin to see if he might be available to help Heather "dig out".  He was willing.  I left a message for Heather to see if she had gotten anything done herself.  She hadn't, so we told her to get a hold of Dustin.  We left for the pool at 12:15.  The sun was actually pretty felt WONDERFUL!!  The pool was heated, so it was nice, too. 

Nice pool, huh?!?
My "piggies" and John's head.
There he is up close and personal!
After about 2 hrs. the "partly sunny" clouds rolled in and it got chilly.  We tried to hang in there, but at 3:15 we left.  Shucks!! 
Darn clouds ruined our sun bathing plans!

We came back and got changed and John challenged me to a game of shuffleboard.  They have 14 beautifully kept courts here.  John won the first game, so we decided to play the "bully" because of my win yesterday.  Well, it was very close, but he beat me.  It was a perfect afternoon for shuffleboard!   Masonic Homes called while we were playing to let me know that Dad fell again.  That's 4 times in the last week and a half!  He has a big cut on his right elbow and a bruise on his forehead.  Apparently he was trapped between his chair and his bed.  They are going to have to put more restrictions on him in order to keep him safe.  Poor Dad!  I called Bonnie to let her know.  Dustin called to tell us that the shoveling was done.   We truly appreciate his willingness to help Heather!!  I promised him a home cooked meal when we get back.  He said all he wants is a big sharks tooth!  John grilled flat iron steaks for supper.  This is the first time he's grilled since we're here!  I still haven't heard from Michele except for a text message that she was busy on the phone all day yesterday keeping in touch with the home front because of the weather.  We played a game of 5 Crowns...John creamed me!!  After that life just got me down a bit...too much going on to think about.  And besides that, I miss Kylie!  I watched The Biggest Loser on TV while John paid bills.  Michele finally called just before we went to bed.  She's doing her last drain out and some stitches.  She's trying to wean herself off of the pain meds and muscle relaxants, too.  We crawled in bed about 11:00.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day!!

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