Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday Travels and Tuesday at Kings Bay, GA

  Monday, Jan 4
    We got up at 4am (UGH!) to pull out of Camp Lejeune and head to the Camping World in Myrtle Beach, SC for our 8am appt to get our steps fixed. 

The sunrise was beautiful!!
Noticed this large moth hanging on the screen
under the shade on my window.  Found him on
floor when we got back in after they were done
at Camping World.  He must have been dead the
whole time and just stuck there!
The good news is that they found the problem...the motor on the steps was burned up.  The bad news is that the part was covered by the warranty, but not the labor.  So it cost us $250 for diagnostics and labor!!  We're going to try to get some sort of compensation through the Camping World in Hanover where we originally had the steps installed when we get home.  It sure is wonderful to have working steps again.  We were like Tarzan and Jane swinging in and up off that ladder!  We had breakfast at a nearby Bob Evans while the steps were being fixed. We were out of Camping World by 10:30.  We were very grateful for their quick service!!  We put some gas in Harvey and started the 6hr trip to Kings Bay Naval Base.  Talked to Bonnie and Ken on the way.  Ken still isn't feeling very well, but Bonnie is better.  They hope to be in Tampa at Lazy Days by 12:30 or so. 
We passed these cotton fields on the way. 
Looked like they had already been picked.

We stopped twice to potty and get John some coffee (I made him a cheese sandwich on the way) and arrived at the CG at about 5:00.  We are only here 2 nights and we have to move to a different site tomorrow, so we only set up the essentials.  By 6:30 we were down at the club house playing 5 Crowns and doing our laundry.  There are 6 washers and dryers in their laundry room and they are all FREE!  Many of the people we met last March, including the camp hosts, were here again and they greeted us with hugs.  Everyone is so nice here and the CG is immaculate!!  John won the best out of 3 games of cards and we left with our clean laundry by 8:15.  We hadn't had supper yet, (and I never had lunch)so John tried to grill pork spare ribs, but the flames on the grill kept going out even though he used new gas cylinders.  He couldn't figure out why, so he brought them in and we grilled them inside on the stove.  I felt so sorry for him and how frustrating it was because he was already tired from the long drive and by now it was 9:30!!  I texted Vicki and Paul, a couple we met at Jekyll who are from back home, to find out when they were going to be in the area  (they are going out West for the winter but meeting another couple who are coming here and are travelling with).  They said they are already here, so we invited them to have lunch with us at Sonny's Barbecue tomorrow.  John went to bed about 10:15 and I followed shortly after. 
Tuesday, Jan 5
    We got up this morning about 7:30, got showers and had breakfast.  Paul called to let us know they would love to meet us for lunch at Sonny's about 1:30.  I called Bonnie to see how they were doing and how they made out with the work that needed to be done at Lazy Days.  Mostly, all went well, but Ken is still sick :(  I told Bonnie how cold it was the low 40's and wind gusts of 30-35 mph.  She said that if the weather is bad in Pine Island when we camp together, they are not going to camp with us anymore.  We seem to bring bad weather where ever we go!!  John checked with the office to see what site we would be moving to and then checked to see if the space was vacant yet, but it wasn't.  So we played a game and a half of 5 Crowns while we waited. (I won the first game).  We left our site about 11:45 and filled up our propane tank.  It is sooo cold outside!  The people left our site just after 12:00, so we pulled in and did another minimal set up.  Then we finished our card game and I won the 2nd game...Yea!!  We met Paul and Vicki at Sonny's.  This was their first time there!  The food was great and it was fun getting together with them again.  They are such nice people we really enjoy their company!  We said our good-byes and wished them well on their trip to Texas.
Here's the gang at Sonny's
  We stopped at Dollar Tree and Winn Dixie to get a few things and headed back to Harvey.  Did I mention how cold it is outside?  John took a nap and I worked on the blog.  They are playing "Pokeno" tonight at the club house, so he's resting up for that.  We never played that, so we'll tell you how it goes when we get back.  Pokeno is kind of like a cross between Tripoly and BINGO with pots for center card, 4 corners, 4 of a kind, Pokeno(which is regular BINGO), and full card cover. Everyone has a large card with small pictures of 25 playing cards on it...5 rows of 5. Sorry, I should have taken a picture!  They use nickels, so each round costs 25 cents because you put a nickel in each cup that corresponds to each pot.  Someone takes a deck of cards and turns one over one at a time.  You put a chip on your card if you have it.  The round is played until someone has "pokeno", so not every pot is won every round and they build up.  The person who wins calls the next round.  The full card cover builds up all night and is the last game played.  Unfortunately, we didn't win that one, but John won twice and I won 3 times.  We spent $6 and had a lot of fun!  After talking to a few people about our departure tomorrow morning, we decided to leave at 5am instead of 6am, so we could get around Jacksonville before rush hour.  We also have to put air in Harvey's tires and gas him up.  We left the club house about 8:00 and headed back to Harvey.  Let me repeat how cold it is outside!!  We played 2 games of 5 Crowns...John clobbered me!  Michele called and she filled me in on all the details of her upcoming surgery on Thursday in Miami.  I will be staying with her for the next 2 wks in a condo in Pompano Beach.  My granddaughter, Alexandra and her boyfriend, Todd are arriving at the Ft Lauderdale airport tomorrow about 4:30.  John will probably be picking them up.  He will be staying in the Breezy Hill CG in Pompano Beach for the 2 wks I'm with Michele.  Wow!  He'll be able to live like a bachelor for a while.  I suspect he won't really enjoy it, though!  Luckily he is only about 15 minutes from the condo,  so he can visit.  We went to bed about 11:00.  These early morning departures have to soon stop!!  Hopefully, the one for Michele's surgery we be the last one for a while!!!!

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