Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Early Departure to Pompano Beach, Florida

   We got up at 4 am and pulled out of our site at 4:45.  We hooked up the Jeep down the road and off we went.  We stopped at a Pilot off Exit 1 to put air in Harvey's tires and to get gas.  OMGosh it was cold...37 degrees and very windy!  We are so looking forward to the warm Florida weather!!!!  We got to Jacksonville about 6:45 and even though the traffic got a bit heavy we had no trouble getting through.  There were no accidents or construction delays!!  It did start to drizzle and we have had intermittent rain the whole trip.  Maybe Bonnie is right...we seem to have a cloud over our heads everywhere we go when we're in Harvey.  That will HAVE to change!!  We stopped again about 8:30 to potty and John got a bite for breakfast.  I was feeling nauseous, so I didn't eat.  Don't know what caused that!  When we got back in Harvey I put my seat back, closed my eyes, and snoozed a bit.  I felt better when I woke up.  The highways in Florida really are quite beautiful.  They sure spend a lot of time and money on palm trees and other vegetation!  And they are clean!!  The skies looked threatening all day and finally it started to rain, but it was nothing horrible, just intermittent showers.

Many of the larger cities off of I-95 are marked like this!


The clouds were rolling in.  Look at the pretty
palm trees along the interstate.

We'll see a lot more of these in the CG's!!

This was our exit off of I-95...

...and a very popular one at that.  The line was long!

There's a panhandler at almost every intersection...
it's very sad!!

  By the time we got to the Breezy Hill CG in Pompano Beach at 11:30 it had stopped.  We were set up by 12:30 and the rain started up again.  The CG is old, but looks pretty nice.  The sites are staggered, so we are in the back while the 2 beside us are up by the road.  It gives us a lot of space...not as close as we anticipated!  There is a cement slab for our patio. I packed some clothes, toiletries, etc. to take to the condo where Michele is staying. Luckily, it's only about 15 minutes away from the CG!  We had a bite to eat and then we headed out.  We got to the condo about 1:30.  It's a real nice and spacious 2 bedroom/2 bath condo in the process of being refurbished.  I'm sure it will be gorgeous when they're done!  The best part is it's right on Pompano Beach...the views off the balcony and the front porch are beautiful!! 
Nice, huh?!?
Our resident "peeping pigeon".
I unpacked and John relaxed a while before he had to leave to pick up Alexandra and Todd at the Ft Lauderdale airport at 4:30. Michele had to meet with the anesthesiologist at the Hialeah Hospital, where she's having her surgery tomorrow, before they closed, so we headed out at about 2:30.  It's about an hour and 10 minute drive south of here.  Traffic on I-95 is CRAZY!!  She was there about an hour.  The drive home took even longer because of rush hour.  We all went for supper to an Irish Pub just down the street, but it wasn't very good.  It was dark and the music was too loud.  John left when we got back...he was exhausted!  Michele and I went to Walmart for groceries and then to CVS.  We didn't get back until after 11:00!  Now I was exhausted and needed to get to bed for hopefully my last 4am wake up call for a good long while!! (Michele has to be at the hospital at 6:30am)

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