Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cool, Breezy Day on the Island

   We woke up to 49 degree, gusty weather.  We actually had to turn on the heat during the night.  John did the laundry while I updated some earlier posts with pictures (check them out)!  Then I drove out to Matlacha (pronounced mat-la-shay') to check out some of the cute, colorful little shops.
The outside of Leona Lovegrove's gallery
WOW!  A very "hip" trailer
The blue mounds on the posts are empty blue
water bottles with the bottoms painted white
Another cool bottle tree
The back entrance-notice the pic of
the Beatles to the left... she paints
a lot of their pictures!
John and I and Brad and Sue at Sonny's
(Sorry this is out of order but it wouldn't let me
put it at the end for some reason)

This was my favorite shop... nice jewelry

I got back about 2:30 and Sue and Brad from Wisconsin were talking with John.  They had already made plans to get together for supper at Sonny's Barbeque.  They left to go to the pool, John finished his exercise routine, and I worked on our blog post.  We all met at 5:00 to go eat and they came back to Harvey to play some games.  We played "Pass the Pigs" and "Tip of the Tongue".  Brad won the first game and John won the second one.  We had a very good time with them and are sad that they are leaving tomorrow morning for Wisconsin.  We would have liked to spend more time with them.  They did invite us to park Harvey on their property when we take our trip out west in 2016 by way of the northern route.  We would very much like to see them again!  They left about 9:45, we watched some TV and then went to bed.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a beach day!!


  1. Love Pine Island and Matlacha. We renewed our wedding vows at the Love Grove Gallery...the Beatle Place...keep enjoying

  2. Looks like you are having a great time! There is something about Pine Island that is so special - its the people!
