Monday, January 26, 2015

Windy, Chilly Day in Ft Myers

   We woke to very chilly winds but temp in 60's.  Within the first hour that we were up it started to pour so John made pancakes while I iced my foot.  But 2 hrs later the sun was shining brightly although it was still very windy.  John went for his walk while I worked on my blog post.  When I was finished with that I soaked all the shells we have found thus far in a weak bleach solution to clean them.  I'm going to let them dry real well and then maybe tomorrow I'll rub them with mineral oil to bring out the color.  Then I called a local podiatrist to make an appt to have my foot looked at.  They can see me on Thursday afternoon, but I'm going to call tomorrow to see if they have any cancellations so I can get in sooner.  We had lunch and decided to go to the pool.  I started in the hot tub to do some exercises, then went to my lounge chair for the rest of the afternoon.  The sun was nice and warm but when it went behind the clouds I got goosebumps!  John got in the pool for a while, but after he got out I was ready to go.  He laid out to dry and we played a few games of electronic hand held  Yahtzee and then we left about 3:00.  We planned to go out for supper to Pastabilities, a local Italian restaurant that was highly recommended, especially for their veal.
While we were getting ready to go a girlfriend of mine from my high school years that I have been getting together with for the past year called me.  She had seen the obituary for my ex husband and asked about it.  It was nice to talk with her because with my surgery and all we haven't gotten together for a while.  We left to go eat and, oh my, it was delicious!  We both got the veal parmesan, but John had a salad and potatoes with his meal and I had cream of cauliflower soup and pasta with mine.  YUM!! 
The restaurant was just down the road

Here's the veal parmesan... it was solo good!
Then we did some shopping at Dollar Tree, Sally's, Publix and Big Lots.  We really just needed a few things at each store and we were back by 8:00.  My sister called to make some plans to go to the beach together on Thursday, but because of my dr appt it probably won't work.  Then I called TW to see how the funeral went.  Luckily they made it home from NY safely but did run into slippery conditions in NJ and on Rte 222 in PA.  Then I called my dad to tell him about the woman we had met from Strasburg.  Unfortunately, he didn't know her, but we had a nice conversation.  He's doing great and he told me some parts of mom's bldg. are still quarantined from the flu and an intestinal bug.  Then John and I played Nerts.  He won pretty handily..shucks!  I worked on my blog post and we went to bed.

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