Monday, January 19, 2015

Let's Hit the Beach!

   Looks like a great beach day, so while John did his morning routine I packed our lunches and took Kylie for a walk.  When he got back he cooked breakfast and then we walked up to the front of the CG to check out the pool, exercise room, clubhouse, and office.  While we were in the clubhouse one of the events coordinators talked me into signing up for the talent show on the 24th!  Rhonda called to let us know that she forgot she had to be at a meeting at work at noon, but Kevin and Heather would be going to Sanibel earlier, so we could meet them there.  Rhonda, James, Megan and Ellie would all come together a bit later.  We left about noon and made a stop at the Ace Hardware store just a few doors down from the CG hoping to get a "Florida Snow Shovel".  We were in luck... they had them.  We also got a medium sized kitchen sieve to use in the dry sand.  Then off we went to Sanibel Island.  The view from the bridge you travel across to get on to the island is breathtaking! (we will eventually get a picture, I promise).  It's only about 10 miles away, but we didn't get to the Gulf Side City Park until about 1:00.  The traffic on the island is very heavy and there are no traffic lights, just stop signs and traffic cops.  Kevin and Heather were already there.
I think Kevin is on the phone with Rhonda trying to
find out how close she is to getting here
  Rhonda and crew arrived about 45 minutes later. 
Great beach loaded with shells
Neat clouds!
I love how the sun glistens on the water!
It took me a few tries to master the Florida snow shovel, but after I got it I had a ball! 
Me and my "Florida snow shovel"
There weren't very many large shells to be found, but there were a lot of neat small ones.  I even found a small starfish!  John found some nice sized ones while taking a walk, and he gave them to Rhonda.  Little Ellie had a good time... she is so cute.  It's hard to believe James is the father of a 2 yr old...she adores him just as much as he adores her! 
Isn't she a cutie!

Little Ellie, Maw Maw Rhonda, Mom Megan and me

Maw Maw adores Ellie, too!!

"Look what I found, Mommy"
   We all left about 5:00 and I realized that I was so busy looking for shells that I never ate lunch!!  So I ate my sandwich as soon as we got home and John ate his leftover Chinese from yesterday.  We got showers and then we went next door to the "Love Boat Homemade Ice Cream Shop".  The line was so long it wound around just about the whole inside of the shop, but it was worth the wait... delicious!!  On the way back we saw a truck in the CG parking lot that had a sticker on it from Hondru /Etown.  That's where we got our Jeep, so we will be on a mission to find out who owns it.  Wouldn't it be something if we know them?!?  I worked on our blog post, John read, and then we went to bed.  Looks like tomorrow will be another beach day..yea!

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